Case 1:07—cv—00770-Gl\/IS Document 1 Filed 11/26/2007 Page 1 of 3
GLOBE ARTl(Q'l..E ONE (iONS’l`t’l`tiTl()N or trite ut~trreo stevtes
BY EXPARTE Writ o|`Nlandamus and Inquiry
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James Coppedge petitioner aggrieved ,l Milli fi 5
vs `j
U.S.DlSTRlC'l` COURT CLERK · U_g_“@j§}tgiG#g‘{j`@yggT " %
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introduction ` `J " NO IFF
An rnonotary default Judgment was entered by a notary witness iu a private adminstrative
grocess against the Judgment debtor City of Philadelphia via its tottfeasor employees and
attorney's the matter was mutually agreed 8; transferred by the plaintiffto a new venue to
protect the interest of preserving contract from circumvention by the City of Philadelphia
attorney's and agents.The said US. District Court clerk was suppose to assign the matter
over to an magistrate under Title 9 use l, 2,4,202,203,204,206_30l ,303,304 for
compulsory sanctions irrevocable or issue an U.S. Marshall term to the plaintiff
for immediate execution ot`the said judgment under Title 22 section 25 8(b) instead the
clerk improperly tile the action giving the already adjudged Judgment Debtors 60 days
which circumvents our original agreement whereas Congress or the Senate must compel
the clerk to cancel the said 60 response to the complaint and immediately bring theniatter
before a magistrate to execution ofthe said Judgment sine die see all evidence .
l. True or false is a notary an ofticer of the court'?
2. lf true doesn't their seal on a documentation constitute a legal contract`?
3. Why is the the U.S.District Court Clerk C ircumventing the Default terms by allowing au extra 60 days
to answer the coinplaiiit ncvcr answered the original I0 days `?
4. Docs the U.S. Distict Court enforce Adntiralty Maritime awards title 28 section 13332
5. lf so. do the Courts enforce it to the letter of tlte agreement prescribed under federal supplymental mles
c tal'?
6.What is the duties ofthe U.S. District Court Clerk in the relationship uitder title 22 section 258(b)‘! my affidavit of negative avcrment defimlt terius an admiralty maritime award contract'?
Basis of Jurisdiction
Title 2 congrressional investigation
Title 42. Section l98l(b). Title 2S USC l25l. l33l. 1333. l65l& l36l Title 22 section 258 tb)
Federal tort claims act 28 usc l346(b)Tille 9 usc l, 2,4,2O2,2O3,2O472O6,3Ol,3O3,3O4
ggligence on part of U.S. District Court clerk pursuant to richard vs U.S. 3tj_£l U.S. 1 {HQ
also gross negrlipence seeligr vs first national bank .d.c.ill:20 f,supp.6l,68 untler rule c tal To enforce
any maritime lien
Case 1:07—cv—00770-Gl\/IS Document 1 Filed 11/26/2007 Page 2 of 3
The clerk tailed to turn the tlt:1tlC1‘ ox cr to the US District Court military Judge and enforce the contract
strictly under terms oftitlc 9 usc l, 2,¢l,2021203,20—L]06,30 I ,303,304 Title 22 section 258(bl.zt1td t
conditions already stipulated in the allidatit ot`monotati»· stipulation their breaching in); security and could
cause the US. a For protit corporation liability on the ten tnillion dollarjtidgiitcnt against the City ot`
Philactclpltia by silence mutually agreed to naive service under cit): state or federal mics of the complaint
once the dctlutlt terms stipulated goes into ei`t`cct. `
Reasons for Granting Writ
The oblig ations stipulated are not carried out to the letter which allows room for ornmission
on the courts for liabilities , unless the stipulation are carried out and compelled via watchful
eye of congress under Title 9 usc. Section 1, 2,4,202,2|]3,204.206.301,303,304 This
Compels Congress and the Senate to uphold article 1 petition for redress of 9 rievances via
this writ of mandamus and Inguiry.Due to the negligent administration of the default stipulation
bv the US District Court Clerk who is notgillowing the contract stipulations to the letter. p
lneed an ORDER Directing clerk to enter `udg ment and/or execute complusorv order l'or the
immediate pavment of ten million directed to the Citv of Philadephia
Served to Congress pursuant to Title 28 section 2073 , fZr.o.e. 902
Title 2 section t90t investigation.
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Case 1:07-cv-00770-GMS
Document 1
Filed 11/26/2007
Page 1 of 3
Case 1:07-cv-00770-GMS
Document 1
Filed 11/26/2007
Page 2 of 3
Case 1:07-cv-00770-GMS
Document 1
Filed 11/26/2007
Page 3 of 3