Free Corporation Forms

  • Articles of Incorporation

    Articles of Incorporation are used to formally incorporate your company. These articles contain the official name of the corporation, initial incorporator and officers and number of shares the corporation holds. These Articles of Incorporation are normally filed with the Secretary of State, or similar entity.

  • Ballot Forms

    This Ballot Form is for use during a shareholders’ meeting in order to count the votes on special types of resolutions. This Ballot is used to count shares held by proxy, those of a shareholder present in person and if these shares are for or against a certain resolution.

  • Board of Directors Resolution

    This Board of Directors Resolution is for use when a company’s board of directors votes on a resolution without holding a formal business meeting. This resolution is recorded by the secretary of the company or corporation and becomes a part of the official records of the company.

  • Corporate Bylaws

    These Corporate Bylaws set out the rules and laws governing a corporation. Provisions contained in these bylaws are location of the principal office, powers of the board of directors, how a director can be removed and the timing of corporate meetings. Corporate Bylaws are an integral part of any corporation and become a part of a corporation\’s official records.

  • Corporate Dissolution Form

    Corporate Dissolution Forms are used by the principals of a corporation in order to dissolve it. These forms include resolutions of the officers and board of directors calling for dissolution and official articles of dissolution which will effectively dissolve the corporation.

  • Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting

    It is important that the Minutes of a Board of Directors Meeting are concise and set out in writing. These minutes sets forth the name of the company, date, time and location of the meeting, if a quorum was reached and all actions taken by the board. These Minutes of Board of Directors are a written record of the meeting and become of a part of the company’s official records.

  • Minutes of Shareholders Meeting

    Minutes of Shareholders Meeting are a written statement of what took place at a shareholders’ meeting. These minutes include the name of the company, the date and time of the meeting and where the meeting took place. They also include the date official notice was given, the shareholders who were present and what actions were taken by the shareholders. The Minutes of Shareholders Meeting are an official record of the meeting and become a part of the company’s official records.

  • Notice of Shareholders Meeting and Proxy

    This Notice of Shareholders Meeting and Proxy is official notice of the date, time and location of a shareholders meeting. This notice sets out the matters to be discussed at the meeting and contains a proxy in the event a shareholder cannot be present at the meeting but wants to vote on any resolutions.

  • Pre-Incorporation Agreement

    This Pre-Incorporation Agreement is used to determine the specific details about your corporation prior to filing corporate papers. This form contains worksheets detailing the name, officers and directors of the corporation. It also contains checklists to refer to so you can ensure all questions are answered before your corporation is filed.

  • Sample Board of Directors Resolution Form

    Board of Directors Resolutions are used by the directors of a corporation to record an official act. These resolutions can be taken without a meeting and are a part of the corporation's official record.

  • Sample Corporate Bylaws Template

    Corporate Bylaws are used to set up the official rules and regulations of a corporation. These bylaws set out the official corporate name, powers and responsibilities of the board of directors and rights and responsibilities of corporate shareholders. They also set out when corporate meetings must be held.

  • Sample Shareholders Resolution Form

    Shareholders Resolutions are used in order to record official acts agreed to by corporate shareholders. These resolutions can be taken with or without a meeting and should be carefully recorded. A Shareholders Resolution becomes an official part of the corporate record.

  • Share Purchase Agreement

    This Share Purchase Agreement is between a purchaser and a seller who desires to sell shares in the capital stock of a company. This agreement contains the names of purchaser and seller, the number of shares owned by the seller and the name of the company who issued the shares. It also contains the purchase price of the shares, the closing date of the transaction and the representations and warranties made by each party.

  • Shareholders Resolution

    This Shareholders Resolution sets forth a resolution adopted by a company’s shareholders. This resolution sets out the date of the shareholders’ meeting and the specific wording of the resolution. This Shareholders Resolution is signed by the Secretary of the company and becomes a part of the company’s official records.

  • Stock Certificates

    A Stock Certificate is a paper document which certifies that the holder owns a specific number of shares of stock in a corporation. This certificate sets out the certificate number, number of shares and to whom the shares are issued. A Stock Certificate is signed by a duly authorized officer of the corporation and the corporate seal is affixed to the certificate.