Free Letter - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

File Size: 157.2 kB
Pages: 4
Date: December 31, 1969
File Format: PDF
State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,689 Words, 12,364 Characters
Page Size: 612 x 794 pts

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Preview Letter - District Court of Delaware
Case 1 :05-cv-00023-JJ F Document 75-2 Filed 12/27/2006 Page 1 Of 4
I _________ ____,_,,,__ _ ' s‘•··i\:;. U4 _
Ju; 1*7 2003 4: E'7Ph ll? LF-ISERSET SHBD ‘ · P-? ` _
~ J Marcus Od :22.* Cbemcal
Division ¤fHRE.l Corporation - ` ‘
” July 10, 2003 _ ` .
Mr. R. Richard Newcomb -
Uiice ofliorcipz Assets Couxmi » ’
_ U.S. lllcpanmem ofthe Treaamy - . 1
· Amex, Secoad Floor
15* Sense: mdPe:e¤¤yl·vmie Avenue, N.W. , 1
Washington, D.C. 20220 - _ .
Re: Requuei for Imexprmetien oflranim Transaction Regulation, `
and Specific License Applioslicn Regarding Impbstntiou and _
I em waking cm bchalfofl./Imnza Oils 8: Chemical so request m imupremliou ofthe Irmim F
Trnnsaclicns Regulations, 31 CLR. Pm $60 {"1TR”), rcgaxding theimpoxmiou ani! dealing in _
‘ cexuin Irmfanmigin technology. me zeehnolcg salem to the ccmrenion cfmethumizno .
- emyIen:wdin¤fm¤:momp¤1m£uvaluel¤theplu5¤induv¤yintheU:dted$¤lu Tia _ -
- pieehnology was originally develnped by die Nuieunl Petroleum Corponzinn of
md Technology Uoiz C‘NPC") md is the subjem cf; puem ¤ppHc¤ion Bu! in Canada. US
ecmpmies including Dow Chemical Conspmy and UDP, me well as Mamma Oil iisell; an
imermed in evnhming she zeclmatogy;
` ' Texhe exzem a specific license may be requixedw im}!/U"|Z endkx deal iethie lra.¤£e¤—¤:@ ,
geneology, please cunsider this requm es ¤.¤ applicezion for a specific license. . Ifauch a license .
is needed. it is only necesmnry nz this time for me scope ofthe Home to dmumpea evnluuinn ul
me technology. {fthe technology proves xo be viable, a Ember lice¤se_¤pplicezio¤ wm be
iubmlned, ifueeessery, relaxing un the mmmerciu licensing, and developmem ohh technology. —
Marcus Oil 8: Chemical, n division <>f'HRD Ccérpomtien, is located ai 14549 Minoru, Houswu,
Texas, 77035 ("'M¤.¤:us Dil"}. HRD is a privately held corporation owned by two brotha:.
` Abbas Hassan and Aziz Hassan., who are both US citizens. ` _
' Marcus Oil & Chemical lm: been epermieg eine: 1987 as a lencling pmdueer of speczinhy sung, _
in punicolar linux, low molecular weight polyethylene (“?E"} waxes with high mel: points. PE
wm; is e low molemlu weight polyethylene polymer that., because efitu low molecule: weigk, _
me we-tune physical clzuucxedszice. Marcus O£l's Holman pmdueeioe reeimy wee rezmB¤ed F 1
EcmsmweadmlrngplmwdbnsanemumP"l5waxpr0·ducri¤¤czpnci:yinexcess¤f2SOnxiHi¤n n ` .
- Manufacturers of Polyethylene waxes ‘
!·{5·§M¤¤·n¤,i£¤¤¤¤l¤¤i TX TM5 UM P.0.£ln=•¢•r¢5i72¤?L!¤€¤a¤¤n, TI ?l7·¢5L'.\`.|
HJ..?21.9?J! JQPJIAXCUSI Fo: 7IJ-?2l1PJH £°·m¤§nx:¤¤¤@¤¤!¤¤» •¤•¤v•v.:u¤x1¤¤E.¤»•

· P o 2 of 4
Case 1 :05-cv-00023-JJ F Document 75-2 Ftled 12/27/2006 ag x _ ‘ N
JUL 1'> EUU3 ·u1vPn nv Lasanszt zazztm M nh — M U P- 3
V ` _ pounddyfu. M2t¤ousO·1¥hosngI¤k¤3 ctmomer baseuu! se.1ltpmducIsin1:¤¤rolh¤¤100
_ _ coimzries. Sales mt both diroct md through en extensive network ofdimzibutors md agents.
‘ The Polycloins and Elutotnorg Buiimu Group ofbow Chominal Company rccomly armmmcod I
- ` that it had catteml into nn agreement to supply PE waxes to hdurcus Oil sod to develop a
pordbIioofPE wtoceslbrhiaroos. Morcutililwttill mukctand 1o1El00%oftboPEw¤
d pmduoodlrybowundudzngrounua. ' ‘
1 Additional iofotrnntiou oo Mmm Oi! mid he mx oxtmoiogy can he Found on the company':
wnbsito at `
it l U HRD Corporation (owned bytheliassaza brothors), which owns Marcus Oil. mad: an 1 1 ·
_ 1 invotrcmoot in an Indian oootpm-ry wood Maroon Oil india lad. (Maps: Oil india"), whioh like ·
· 1 Merc¤•Oili¤t}:¤UrzitndSmtosisa!wezt5a,gtd§nt}t¤prod¤ctio¤mdnlttofspoeiakywmnu. ‘
i Marcus Oil indie wes oatobfirbod and is operated 'by Indian citizens and is incorporated unda
_ Indian lm-. The investment by HRD Corporation docs not give HRD Corporation my rights to
ooxmolhhmusbiiltadim Oth¤thmthisirwoa1r¤o¤;,Muott:Oill¤tlinisootaEia1odwith
· Memos Oil in the United Sweat Maroon Oil India would not bo considered a “`U¤itod States
_ porw¤“a.sdc£ined¤1T'R§$6B.314. _ _ _
` !¤th¤¤mzr¤¤od'dm!ir:g‘m4th+uim»oomparie»&huh!¤rmnOHIod5n¤1md=a1•with,M:r.Abbi•’
1 Hmm¤,¤¤irm¤•udCBOofM¤w»Oili¤th¤Uni¤dSw¤,l¤umedofn¤mtoclmologym¤ _ 4
NPCh1ddtv¤!¤pod£¤voM¤gtl¤¤¤nv¤1im¤fmothamdiroot!yMootbyl¤¤a rmdibrwhioh _
_ 1 l~€PCh¤drooo¤tlyti1od!i>rap¤t¢mirzCaned¤oeApril29,2D03wizhth•C¤ucHmI¤teilocu:al1
Property Otiioc titled "Pmpamtio¤ ofCm1yst and Use for High Yield Conversion ofMcti¤t¤¤ to __
· E1l:y!m¤." _ 1 _ _
1 Roeiizing the potential impact of such xoohnology oo the global pimio; markers, Mr. Hassan
` 1 vented tu Tohrm, and mot with representatives ofNPC to investigete zhe toclu-.oIogy.‘ Upon
· ob sowing the technology, Mr. Hmm returned to the US amd shtund Iziiobscnratioos with
e ewan: oomptmiu involved in the plastic: iodusuy im-Judiog Dow. The comeoson wuttuu this `
tcdmology has the potential ro1sig¤iE¤¤mly alter the ecorsumka ofmaking mob plastics u
polymhylooo, PVC, nyruoo and other ethylene dorivod plastics. Corwuoely, should plastic;
- companion outside thoiiuitod States geist access to and implement this technology while the US
pludu industry rcmaim with the current technology, the oconomiu ofthe irtdunry would
1 drostirzally change, which would lmvo u dramatic dcsuabilizing oH'¢ot on the majority of US
plutio producers. The technology has the potential to signiltcantly raduoe the capital and _
operating cost ofproducing c*thyle·¤¢ tim ia the building bind: for most plastics in use today.
M:. Hnaunrctuntcdto '¥'&fur nzbllow opmooting w·i:hNPCmdwa¤ioFormod0»mNPC
_ wu invcszigmirtg ul: ofthia technology to twzwral non-US bound oompnnics including Sheik Oil
Mr. Hmm o.tb»¤;oemly assisted in arranging tm egreemetu botvroutbinwmss Oil India and NPC
'T\•¤v·ol·:¤l¤m irzvolvinghu by US penotu uc nt¤·opm-d from the Ir¤l¤.i»¤T.t·on•o¤i¤rxs¥!cgtzlation•t¤nd¤
rm 5 so¤.z10<¤}. _
l .;. ,p•,yp¢.—s•» •.•. anna!-nhl O 2 V I V

Case 1 :05-cv-00023-JJF Document 75-2 Filed 12/27/2006 Page 3 of 4
_` Jun, 17 2003 ~¤ zsrn HQ; Lasanaar :a2¤¤ MUHW Umm? Fm; ,,54
that would ¤H¤¤·· ¤ Hxed poxind uf time (weeks nm months) for Marcus Oi! india tc cvnlume the - - _
znchnningy and mntve my issues aha: may prevent US companies Sum bmdiring Bum dis
- xechnnicgy, The ngmemem, dau not pmvide for my payments to NPC} · _
Ax present, hvwcvu, it is not known wlmhnr nba mzhnolngy in viable and, ifw, when in MI
pntnmiai might bc. Mmm.; Oilis sucking at zfii time unly nncvahma the c¤u.’yn1¤ctm¤lcg_y.
Other US scmpxniu hxduxiing Dow mi UU? hive bépmsnd inwut in wniuating the
"tedmnlagyuwntl. Ifit¤pp¤¤nB·¤mzhis:vaiuuio¤1}.¤t}¤:t¤¤hnn10;yisuva1uabloui¤ ·
seems, Mums Oil wu! sed: Emhe: uhm Bmw OFAC mguding pcmnwiblc licensing 1 -
0 _ umnpmnmu.Diana:n:c¤awy:uhisnm¤sonddnuiuuc•nh:¤d1¤E¤¤¤¤ir:g¤ntesh¤cic;¤·
¤ndm;vbm:.EuhntNPCm¤yrac¢iv¢¤•c¤ns¤q:;cuc¤’ A!h}ati¤n13ssu¤a¤0w5¤1B•
importation oftisc tcchnobngy imo the Unitud Stsxts for LHB purpose ufrvnlustiun · ’
It appears thu impum uf lrmizn- origin tnchnolcgy naw tha United Staten, unlike imports ci
1rmin¤—¤rig;i¤gc»c>ds¤um·ine•,a¤·¤¤¤t·p:n}»ib§xnd byth¤In¤i¤uTr¤un¤inn¤R¤3¤=|¤ti¤n•. We 0 _
scck your co¤:1:5rma·ti¤¤ nfthis cfthn ~ 0
I1?. § 560.201 pz·o!—5biu the Empomsicu imo thu United Stun ofgobds or services cflrminp · 0
origin nr owned cr controlled by th: Gnvmmnmi uf Inu, mhz: thm infnmmicn informational 0 ·
nwwiahs zzxempznd under Lb: Bnrmnn Ammdnwu at Socticzn 203{b) uhh.: Imvmndvnd
" Emnrgmcy Economic Powers Act. 50 U.S.C, 1’J02(b)(3).* Ixnplcuuming the smut:. ITP.} ·
2 5~€·0.210cxempuB*0r¤th¤¤¤.¢xic¤a1h¤i¤¤1pcr!ati¤n md nxpunntimufinformnnunsad -
infnmmicndm¤t¤izhud¤§¤¤dh:ITR§S$0.315“wh¤h¤c¤¢m¤¤rd$luoth¤wi•¢, 4 0 1
` regardless offnrmn nr mndhxm ¤ftn¤msnzinsin¤." Thudctinizion nfM5¤nnsti¤n and ‘ - ·
infnmuuiuml materials at ITE. § $60.315 includes puhiimxinns, Elms pcsuxa, cw., bm docs nm _
imhsd: items conirdlcd under the Export Adminismxinn Act.
" By its mms. ahh prohibitinn cm lmpons applic.: tn "gondn ns s¤rvicu." By‘c¤nu·m, the
` prohibition nn qxpom unc} rwcpcm at ITR §§ 560.204 ami 560.205 ¤pp!yw goods, zechnclogp;
ur umriczs" (emphasis added), imp};-·Ing thu nzclmnlny is nc: nnvcrcd by dw hupnn 0
pr¤t¤`bi:i¢m’ Furthermore, infbxmnticu nnuuainnd in n prim nppliwinn would, me sud; be
` · ' rm}:623108pmhbl¤UBp¤1om¤m¤pprw£ug¤hd1im&¤gn¤y¤v=¤¤i¤al>yn£¤rd9:n¤w•¤¢h:x¤¤
rmzmainnby shutmcignpnxwnwnnwbepsnhiaizud ifp¤!m¤¤¤dvgnUSp¤s¤¤¤vit!xi¤:nnU$. Hnwvur,
if1mpcning$ns1iun•nck¤¤Ing5·m1h:Uni¤¤dsr¤¤¤·m!.d¤¤¢h¢pmbmit¤d{mdLsc¤¤i¤¤3¤tnn*),!hcilk•¤¤; -
tkknwndirnxnuwchoolngmlnanwanunuhapddtiuaduu. 0 - 0 ‘
1 ’ Dependi¤g¤¤h¤w¤a¤:EmsGmhvi¤rzd,s1i¤¤¤¤b¤tw¤¢»M¤m¤O¤a¤d!~’PC.¤:b¤w¤¢nJ·inm¤sOilmd
MamaIndiswsichwnukiiniurnrvcciwtczxtniniiczuscrig!¤fkvx¤NPC.¤wIdb•i11!¤p:¤nind¤rh¢¤q>¤¢'u¤m ·
da s¤·v£¤z1¤¤wf¤nh¤b¤:1\!dI:z¤nrth¤G¤•·n1·n¤1¤ntd!rm,whichw¤.l1db¢;xuh%1¤i$cd17yII‘R|36¤.204.
· . Ouahznrhzzmm,¤mu:hn¤1ogycmv¤dbympmm¤pp!i¢¤6m¤mn¤dm¤¤iumm¤£nnu.mmmni¤¤1
z¤a1e:€¤kasd:5n¢dinIT'R.§ ss0.31S,1h¤i:¤;¤¤na1£¤n aims u·c§m.¤!¤gy wnuldbu ucmprwsianiy :641.230. `
" {YF.}$60.534m¤mm_¤!imh¤d¤:¤¤pdcnhnmmisim¤:1puh%Mmh:¢rminmodsw¤§(pku¤mm)•n¢ _ . _
mpc:. -
’ rm}$m.306&:&n¤budmmdg£¤gwdsmixI¤xi¢gnomg¤wnp¤¢zm&mam£»mu¤¢:¤rxmd,¢ 0
pnxzswdinlnnsndgncdswbiqhhavtmmrdhwlunhnmmmam.lmniu-migE¤$¤1vlc::I¤:!t1cks¤vl£¤— ·
perfumndinlrancvcyannnetivwtvimcmmnrzhnhww¤£iz·a¤,¤·¢sp¤·¤¤nrwi¤!l¤ginIx¤n•¤d¤¤-»·icas1 - 0
pnfnnmdmzmsideixznbya nizizxn. naximu! ¤vp¢rm¤m¤.:r¤1¢¤1¤s¤2`Irn¤¤x—h¤ia¤r¤ir¤1i1y nnsldemissmnmby
uu¤4¤¤••»•••¤•••~»·••» var •¤••••*•*•·•l 4 ` - 3 I

· f 4
Case 1 :05-cv-00023-JJ F Document 75-2 Fnled 12/27/2006 Pagéj 0
__ ______ __ .‘,,..m., .m..-». wx. uu
Jun. 17 zoos wanna up Lnscnsar sam p.5
wel: an dimly response Hmm your silica reguding this inw-pnmicm of the mgulaaigmg gg-_ if `
rwedcd. mhemmumafa iicennnrlmwcuid p¤rmitMarmsGHto1¤¤v¤f¤rw¤d with the
- evaluation nfthu NPC tcdmolnggy. 1
U Ifyou hzvg my questions About this request jb: iunrprexnticz, phase fad free: to ccxztam cur]
mmxylmth respect 10 this maftur. Chrktnphnr R Wal! at Pilhbmy Winzbmp LLP, H33
ggnnmxcui Avenue, NW, Wgnlzingwn, DC 20035 (ulephma 2B2·’I?$~9S$0; tddi; 202-833-
\·iv•|'¤i•III¤$•h¤• *•¢'* lv•\vi•D¤ 1 '