Free Appendix - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

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Date: December 31, 1969
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State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
Word Count: 2,468 Words, 16,464 Characters
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Preview Appendix - District Court of Delaware
Case 1:04-cv-01230—G|\/IS Document 59-6 Filed 11/18/2005 Page 1 of 4
Exhibit B

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A ' A • I l l A B . Q I "' " ` ` " (sgbrslrgkrcljgr) rr. 1 lite supporting part of Sub·t|‘¤p··k5 &s§b·tt6Fl'§ksj\ {rl ra atrlatropicai regions I V W c .
:1 ssructurc; the founclatiots Z The unrth bunk or bcd sup- St1·b1.I·IatE (soolbyn- tt, -la1r .sub y:a·)m1'; Bio Tcpcrung to ··
poning railroad trucks. - SL|l:!··5tfw:·'tur·al adj a point; aw]-shztpccij a subul':n¢> Icrzf |NLat subtdrttus < Lat b tnmture
sugysume {gsboribmf) nn. ·st.1med. -sum·lng, ·sumcs `lo sribnlu, swl. Sec sgrufl _ _ Su S -
classify, include, or Encorporatn in a more comprehensive cnt- S\£b·¤m•bl'¤}’lQ €Sl1b'¤¤1·b¤¤l'¤) f= Tlw ¤¤¤€¤V¤ ¥¤¤ ggnry or under at gumxml principle. [Mud Lat substimmre : thu body ofrr jullylish _ ` _ 4 SUCCESSIDH
Lan. sub-, sub- ~4— Lat. srirucrr, 10 takc; scc cm-‘] —·»sub· 5ub•·u·ntt {Sr]l3’¥;OU'lllI) Jl A snbdtvrsaon ol Il larger um: _ _;
5umY3¤b]& rrrij sub·urb {sfrbfér ') rr. 1 . A osu. rcsrdcntral area or eonrmumty _
5ub·5ump•U0l1 (S3b‘S¤H]pr$}1DD) rt. ia. Thr: act ol subsum- omiying a'city.2..$ul.turb5. The usu. rcsidnmtmf region around L u,
ing. b. Something subsumed. 2. Logic The minor premise uf a rgtttior c1TYL1lt¢ ténv1rnrtsb[h4Et:¤¢brarbf < 0Fr ·~ Lat rnb-
:1 syilogism. [Lat. stabsrirnptid substimphérv, J1 subsummg < HT rlfw 2 SW ·. SQ * + NV -f. F"' *· CHF _ ~ .
strbrtinrptrrs, p.part of srrbrriiuere, tn suirsume Sec suzssuattz.] sub•ur··b:·m {sa-burllaanl ud; 1 . Olkrelztung xo, or clmrnctcr-
...5ub-gumpftlvg adj, isxir; of ri suburb. 2. Locnlscd or rcsrtimg tn a suburb. 3 Of. —
5ub,5ur,,·mcG (S1]!-,}sG{r[:,5’ 5m].s{"I‘..) adj QL rgglqging ru. or rclntihg $0, Gr LZl‘l?lTII4€lC{l$IlC Gl, {IIC CUIIEIIC, C`\1$I¤lTlS, R\l’1I'.l HIRE- ..
situated in an area beneath n sm-{acc, esp the surface ol rhe ncrs rypacnl of hfe rn*tlrc suhurbs — u {hsuborbanrrc. I
earth or a body ol water. sub·ur-ban·lte (sa-i1nr'lm~nrt'} rr On: lwmg an rn suburb._ w
sub·t$o? {s¤bfté;1_;2-inrlj lliglgring zo, intended fair, or bjing zi sub·1;r··bat:)·lie tsnzburfon—sttzliijsliiililioogrllézangé-§::ci.u';3o .. g _
rca onsrscm t: 11 or tn ren- prcrccn: rt strltumr zmcc rcntcr su urvim; iltipilll 5 · · · "‘ gi.-
iln 1. See preteen. 2. subteeds. The prendolcsrem years ur’han·I~m*tl¤n (·b:»—m-znlsiwn) rs _ s V
sub·tem•par·ato {sob-rEml'p:r~i:, oérnlprir) adj OE or oc· sub•ut·bi•a (swbmlhé-a) rz 1. The suburbs. 2. Suburimanrrus = qi
cutting within thc colder regions ol thc Tempcrntc Zones conmderud as a grotap. y _ _ t _
sub·te¤·Bnt [sith-tén’:mt) rr Unc that rents propcrzy, suc§1 as sub•v¤t£•‘tAon (Enh-vcnhhan) rx. l`0\"l5lDi'l ori help or sug- . A _
land or Z1 house: from a tenant. -—sub»ten'an··cy rr .. pon. ., n cn owntenr or_a su si y, as ono ron: a guver -
substtmd lssrlmzinsil) trv —tend·cd, -h2nd·lng. ~1.cndS ment to ta rcscnrcfr mstttuizron; :1 finnnc1:tE and grant {Uh. ·<
1. Math To bc opposite to and duiitnitz The side cfr: Jrinrnglc LL.:1t. sugwcgrru,'s¤tL¤¤z·rmon·, agsastanccb < bl. nt. 5rabi;¤c{t_.’:g. iv ig x
sttbrrmds the opposher rmglc 2. To ttmirerlit: so as to enclose or p part n su vcrttrtv, to €¤m¢‘ K0 lf! P 7}** n ¤'¤¤¤ lr ¤ **9 Q .
surround {LS1!-5Z¢l}tEl‘ldEfC,[D extend undnrncath :sub·, sul:· sei sur; + vrrmrr, to comr; seg g¤~‘¤,·`] -sub.venrtlor1· I L .
+1 d t · t nd- scc ton~‘ BF YH !· _ `
$ub·ELl‘;'·£lT;§ED(;Exb$t¤ril 6"of') rr. is dcccptivc szmtagcna or dc- sub·ver·sl¤n (s:•b~vC1r*'1;lt:n, ··sh¤n) rx. 1.3 Ylte il€l or an rn»
vie:. [Pr. < OFr.. surcrfhgc < llas satbtcrfhgitrrrx < Ln:. sub-- stnnee of subvr:rtinl;~ ¤— Tim ¤°¤*E’l*°" ¤£_ h°'“1¥ $"b""““d‘ -~ 1
rnnrgere, to escape: : snbrcr, sccrutly, beneath; suc upu' + 2. Obsolete A caust: of ovcrzhrow ¤¥ mm Wh < LLn1 .. .
fugcre, [0 nm] snbuersi6,srabvrrsié:r~ ·< Lat. subucrsns, p.parr.. olrsrebwrfrrc. " rm c _
sub·tor·mi·na| irmrrartma-url) ¤¤`i L¤¤¤t¢¤ M ¤¤¤¤=ti¤s ==> ¤¤i>v•=*¤· $¢·= =*¤**’*~“-I ··5”l°”"°','¤'°*”"*"¤' “**# . -·¤ 2
near on tend. sub·v¤r•5iV& (s:E1~vGr"sTv, -2iv) mf; intended or scrvmg to n ° _ r
sub·tcr·!’¤··nE·an lsftbha-r:E'nE-nn) ud.? 1.. Situated or UPEI- sugvgrt, cs? intended ro ;v¤rrl1:·u;nr or underngmc :1:1 Ersitlla :
min beneath the ¤:1rtl1's surf:tcc· urtdcrgronnd 2. Hidden- its e government. —su ··ver SVB n -·su war svo·· ¤
sccrgr. (Lat. szxbrerrriarcus ; stab; sub- -4- tvrrrr, earth; sex; rgfu. ·-%S:IbE,UEE’5f;'B”HE5S nt Bd t i www 1 T v Q I “ Q
t¤l'5—‘. —sub·'tor·ra’n¢e*an·Iy adv 511 ·ver sa -vt1rt Irv -vcr · . -vor · ng. ~· . . n .,· ’ .
sL2b·ter!rt2s·tr!·al (r5b'z:•·rés*`tré-al) adj Suiatcrrnncan; un- destroy completely; ruin.Z.T§ \1_;_`|d¢Tm|¤l¤’!!h€ ¢¥1¤¥¤;`l¤F§¥¤§*'· . [F . .
dergmund. als, or allegiance ul; corrupt. ., o overt now comp etc y ee - -· ~-
5\1b't¢.%J·!|§[s1Tsb·VtE:k:st') n T- The implicit meaning or thcmc o? Syns nt overthrow {ME sulsvcrmr < €}Fr. subvcgrr < Lz;
rr saxerrw rm 2. na- underlivéng Pcrsonnliw ==l ¤ d'°"‘”"'* s¤rf¤w·r·*¤r¤= ¤¤·•'¤-,¤¤b· + =~=rr¤·t¤r¤<>==¤r¤=¤¤¤ WEP I ·"" ' , - . .
character as implied by il script or tcxr anti imerprezctf by rm vtzrtfcr rr _ _ _ {
actor in performance:. -~su1¤-!¤x·tu·aI (-téicslcluifo-al) ruff. suI:•·v1·rus (sob-v1'ras) ra ,ol -rus·~¤s. vnnl protcm or ozhcr U _
SIJIPUEG {sEr'l, sGb'$a!) adj Subtle. {ME < 0}*: subril < Lat srrlrstzmcu snjmllcr than a vrrus and Itswtttg soma: of the prop- _ ·* ft
sstbtilis, {inn, delicate. Sc: stron.;] — subltilerly mh:. — subt cmcs ol at virus — sub·vl'ml (-ral) rm'; __ r
lfl|"l·‘ty (s:>b~~tTl*’¥-té), subftllwncss {si:t'l·nEs, snl:'taI·). sul:·v?·¤al (stil;-v6*'ka§) gd} Clmracteqizcd by ;l§\‘¢¥l'lC£\lLEO{ * E
.5t2bl'tIE~ty (sm?}-tE sii§>·'r.1§-)n me ips or ot ter spceca organs wttnout nun e soun s. . E
· 511b·tlI··Izo (sittll-iz}, s5b'ra·lTz') u -lzod. ·iz-lng. ·iz·~t:s. »·—sub-v¤'cal·Ey_nr£u: _ * u _ _'
‘ —rr. To render subtlc. -—ir:rr. To argue or discuss with hm: sub·vo•caEjIzu (sub-volkn-liz )tr Cc rnrritr. —lzod. —§¥.·In9:. -12- _
l subtlety. —·-·sub'tiI·l•ta't§on (--i-zilslaan) rt 4 qs. To artrctzlarc subvoenlly or engage m sgbvocal nrrrculu- U
l $¤b‘!}•tIB {sf1b":it’l) rt. `L A secondary, usu. cxpinnntory mic, tron. -suP‘\•‘¤'*C§$|•l*I»’1’!.l¤¤ fl -·~5Ub'V ‘ ns cf Il ooolt Za. A primed srnnslatinn of rh: dialogue of at sutvway (su'b*wa’) sr. }.'a. An underground urban rarlrong. {
{U|'Clg1'I··§3Ug\lJgC {lim shown at thc honom ol the screen b. A usu. operated by clcctrrcrty. b. A passage lor such Z1 ro: ma g :, i
tinted portion of narration or clénloptzc flashed on thc scrccn 2.. An underground tuzmcl or pnssngc, ns lor ;rcd¤SU‘Hm$- ’
gctwccn tho scenes of a silent film Q; tr rr. ·tlctI. -tIing. ·tIas strc-ce·da·no·um |s§k'sT-difné-am) rz , pl -no··a (-néol .5*. _ l
1 f. To give xs subtitle io. 2. To provide with subzitlcs substitute. §Nl:at SI¢CC£?dfi?lEJ|‘}?1 < Lat., ncu:. sang of sracccdrt-V _ l
. sub-lla lsfztllj adj. sulrtlnr. subdicst. 1.a. So slight as to be nuns, snl.·•s=étt1tctl < succédcm, to succeed. Sc: suocmaarl V
l dilficuh to dctcc: or analyze- ulusivu b. No: immcdizztcly ¤b~ st:c·ceed [Suk-SM') v. ··CG¤ vious; nbstrtssc. 2. Able to ’r-nuke fine distinctions: a subnlc 1.. To come next an urn: or succcssionr §uilow_ alter anothpf; . "
mirrd Bra. Charactzrizctf by skill or ingemrity; clever replnc}: nncgltcr at nn offscg gr; jgngttztgn 2+ Tg nccomplzsir ,
b·Cr¤{ or s1 · devious t:. Operating in :1 hidden urn. in- somct ing usire or imcn c . . so oft! 0 nvo vo upon
i lwrinus iyvny; ingldious. [ME sari! < Ulirr ·< L1:. srrhrilis. See a person by way of inheritance - tr 1 . l"o follow tn umu or
!¤ks·°.] -—subft!o-ness at —subftly adv order. 2.. To come aber and mite thc place of. Sc: Qyns nr
$ub"iIE•1y (s£1tV1·t&} rs., pl Alas 1.. The- qurzliry or scat: of fogow. [ME srtcccrlarr {Ning sulutlcr Z Something subtle, ns zs nicery of thought su ~, near; scc $U`l\··· + cr? crc. to go; scc D - -5uC·€¤ ·
5ub‘!0¥1·i•: (siib-t6n'Tk} :1 Mus. The- seventh tom: of :s dlntonic dont {sak-sEd'm) adj ···~ 5UC·C¤€d’El’ rt. ‘ ·· c
Scale itnmcdiattxly below she tonic. suvcés d`&s*tEm£·2 (sii1t~sE·' this-tem!) n Art important Erm un-
$“b'iC;t‘··|‘|tI lsnivtérlid, ·t5r·'·) nrlj Snlnropieal populor success or achievement. [Fr : sncccs, success + dc, of _
$\¥lJ•I¤-tal (smmérll) adj Loss than total; lnczomplcrc ~·» vt + cstrmv, cwttttml _ _ _ _ "
l¤f¤¥J't5:'l) The total of part ol a series of numbers ~·-v s·ut:·t:os lou (sul:-sel Eno') rr. A wald success. lh : succes, _
l5tYb'16:'E} —talcd, ·t:rI·Irtg, -taIs also ·taI1ed. -ta1·IIng. -taIs. success + fun: mad.} _ _
‘~ff. To total part of (ra series ui numbers) M- mtr To arrive suc:-cass {salt-sew') rx 1 . The nclucvement of_ somrsthmg dc- _;___”__________ _
al ¤ sulnoml sired, planned, or attempted 2.¤._`1`he gammg of fame: or _ g _ D -
$“_?”!|’3CE lsub·tr:`ilu'} u ~trat:t··ed. -fract··Ir1g? ··trac§s. —— ir. grfsgengi; b} Tlrcizxtcrttlol such gsm 3. Ogle tllmt as success; E;. gg J3; ·: -
U lake l'lW§`ly‘ deduct,. —irztr Mah To per DIGI lsu :1rit1- u .. . so ew. rcsut or an ouiccmn. :1 SIJCCCSSIIS _ ____ ... _ _»
'Wic opemtidn of subtracrion. [Lat snrlrtrrrfzure, mbmirr- ; p par: of succédcrc, to succeed 5ce_su¤;r.s¤.} flfgzzi gh .. In ’
***5, sub- + rmhrrr, ro draw} ~·- sub·trnctFar rr. sut:·cess·ft1I (sal;-s£·s'lal} adr 1. Harvang n lnvorablc outcome { t E _°¤H ..
sub”h`BC·tl¤|1 [$Z|b·[l’5l·Cr5§'|JI'|) ra 1.. The actor process of sub- 2. Hnving obtntncd stvmctlung dusxrcd or xntgndcciz was stm- 'f EE lj _ 3;;
iyglng; deduction 2. Mari': Thu arithmetic operation of varsgfrtl in stopping flwiflivi Bl} H¤\';3;c ¤éI;;\:;gIv;;¢§;l¤r¤f ;·p§ gigle . { __? I
l¤ ing the difference berwcnn two quantities ur num ers. cmmcntsc. —- SUVCBS5 U ‘ I ¤ tf- ··· ' ’ J _ . ~
mb'tT'GC"iEVE (sob-1r5ikl'|iv) ruff `l.. Producing or involving su.c·cFs·sI¤n (s:¤k—s&sE1·'an) wt. 1. Th: HCT or process ofilnliow- Erpgier gfcvtlcgmh
sublruction. 2. Color Ol or bring a color produced by lrglis mg rn order or scquoncc 2. A group of people or tiungs ur- 6 ut wh mgm] sw
;‘f=$¤i¤g through murc than one coloranc, each ol which ist- ranged or lollowmg tn order; zr sequcncu 3.:1. The sccfxuuncc _ EGE about V
llbits Certain \Vi]V'ClCIlgI}1$,5r. Ofor being :t photographic pr0· irs \•\'!\II’.`]I on: pcrstm nltcr onolhcr Sutftsccds to mic, 1 rone, E aw item ._;};r_` V
“`*$!l1¤1 produces a positive imag: by supcrposing or mixmg dsgmry, or nstatc. I1. Thr: rtgint of a rtcrson or Imc cl persons P _
slllhtancns thm solurtiveiy absorb colored lrgln. ro so succeed c,. The person or lmc having such Z1 rtglu. si mk;. . t
s"h'Tm·h¤nd (sGbfrr¤—hEnd*) rt Mar}:. A qtrnnxity or nombrr 4.:t 'Thc act or process ol succccdtng to the rnghts at dun? cl r ;°:?n?;rY)_ · é
'U he suhrrnrrrd from snoihcr, §< Lai, rrrlrrrulmrrdrrrrr, num annilthcc I1. The net or process of heeommg emrtlg gsi %¤ P —_ · , I 1
E'¤1¤dive of snbrrnlrere, to snbtmcr. Sr: mnmmr § brmeherary to the pr0pcrry_ol' n deceased person ._ ,co . nc pl] `
{ sub`ll`0]¤'·f·‘CBl {sid:-tr6p’ir-k:]) adj Ol, relating 10. or lacing gradual and orderly evolution of nrt ecosystem uno! :1 climax r_ , ,
. ‘]'= geographic areas rtdiaccnr ro the Tropics Er reached. {ME < OFr ~< Lat. sucmssfti, strcccsstérv ·= -<=r¤~· TA 126 . *
X l