Free Declaration - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

File Size: 1,514.1 kB
Pages: 4
Date: July 17, 2006
File Format: PDF
State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
Word Count: 4,394 Words, 39,828 Characters
Page Size: 792.96 x 612.48 pts

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’ t s i Case 1 :04-cv=0O884-SLR " ‘ ocument 71 -‘12“`“"““t“`I’E1`1e”d‘07/1 7/2006 """Page’ 2of " ‘1‘’'1’’‘‘`‘“‘‘‘ ‘ “ ’ ’1‘‘ ‘ ‘»‘‘ “""
__ ~ E ra i Ear for summary judgment, attacking
.» -.;;&; 5 ..z;=.;;a the plaintiff’s remaining liability and
— Quinn Emanuel recently obtained damages theories, the Court agreed
·‘`· _1 summary judgment in favor of one of with the firm’s arguments and found
the world’s largest tool and equipment that the plaintiff had disclosed neither
.;.,r as rental businesses on trade secret claims confidential nor trade secret material
l— brought by a software developer. At to our client. The Court dismissed the
· ·‘‘1‘‘ * first, the facts looked grim. ln 2003, the remainder of the action and entered
. client decided to replace its antiquated judgment in the client’s favor.
_ __ software system. One ofthe client’s
l ·- managers then persuaded friends ?€ra·‘;.ii‘zzzt=i i
T T from the software industry to give up ss? dor )i(E.`2`§.£i..i..§.`§g§ { l,., Eg;
‘ retirement to found a new company for Continuing its recent success in
C the purpose of developing an entirely securities cases, Quinn Emanuel
6 p— ‘ new software package. He and other recently obtained dismissal of an insider
client employees urged the plaintiff trading claim against the firm’s client,
gg to submit a variety of proposals over the co—CEO of a large investment
if ii»; the course of a year and a hall; asking banking firm. The plaintiff a former
iiil the plaintiff to team up with another officer and shareholder of the firm,
well-established software company, brought the claim alleging that the
A then asking the plaintiff to go it alone. firm and the co-CEO defrauded him
» Plaintiff incurred over $1 million in into selling his shares. Arguing that
‘ V out-ofpocket expenses and was paid our client could not be held liable for
V just $60,000 by our client. When our insider trading because he did not
client eventually said it had no interest purchase plaintiff’s shares directly,
if in proceeding, it nevertheless asserted Quinn Emanuel obtained dismissal
that it could make whatever use it of the claim at the pleading stage and
_ wanted of the materials and information plaintiff was denied leave to amend his
'‘’:i'i that plaintiff had provided in the complaint. ~.
p course of analyzing the client°s needs —
V '`'` UOFWlFh$f3I'ldlHg [hilt fl`1C H13.tC1'lalS WCYC i _,ji 2 s` 5 · 5 , ; ;; is = 4 pi, ;,,;. 3 , ie -; . z > y
provided pursuant to a non-disclosure € mi; zi
agreement (that our client had drafted). In a recent multi—milli0n dollar
Vzzp, Plaintiff claimed that our client had adversary proceeding in federal
if za '’·l V already earned tens of millions of bankruptcy court in the Southern
‘ ‘ ' · dollars by incorporating its ideas into District of New York, Quinn Emanuel
the client’s existing program. represented fourteen former directors
‘ Quinn Emanuel conceived a multi- and officers of an entrepreneurial web
pronged strategy to pick apart the hosting companys as well as related
Qui?212 fl;l}’l{£7lZ£(?Il plaintiff’s claims. First, Quinn Emanuel entities. In its far-reaching complaint,
. . ursued an a ressive discove lan, the laintiff Creditors’ Committee
mmwwdd mug;} gbtaining keiidmissions froriiythe alleged that, prior to the “tech bubble
Prgyggpd ;g;¤·g;;>gy gg plaintiff’s principals and getting an bursting” in 2000, our clients had
_ order barring most of the plaintiff' s engaged in fraudulent transfers and
fuck lzpmlf- we experts from testifying at trial. Next, preferences in violation of the U.S.
],gjZiHz@§¢‘j; ,.jdim$_ the firm obtained summary judgment Bankruptcy Code, and had breached
on the plaintiffs California unfair their fiduciary duties to the company
` competition and related claims, and its creditors by conceiving and
arguing that the law of another state implementing a “roll·up” growth
applied to the action. Then, when model in which numerous web and
the firm brought subsequent motions service companies would be acquired

~ ¤»»»4 ~- V ~ » ~ — Case 1 :04—cv—0088-4—SLFi Document`71`·=·1r2·wm`·Fit|e·d 07/17/2006 · Page 3 of‘4 A M e S L
and integrated under one umbrella. claims with prejudice. With only the
Quinn Emanuel took over the case fiduciary duty claims remaining, the
after our clients had lost a motion court requested supplemental briefing ’
to dismiss the complaint and their on several novel issues of Delaware
counsel had been disqualified. It was, corporate law, including the nature
jzpmlgug d wid! under the circumstances, a challenging and scope of the alleged duty of “good
engagement. faith,” a board member’s right to rely
“’ifi’O“f wizirlcgsgs Or Commanding the fray from the on the advice and opinions of outside
Pwaf me Commiuge outset, Quinn Emanuel pushed for advisors and) board sub-committees and
` an accelerated schedule requiring that the plaintiff s burden to prove that an
$’“£’l7!£`iZ7?!fl)/ ¢lé'¢’€plv!l extensive discovery be completed in five individual director’s alleged breach of
_ months. The Committeeis discovery Hduciary duty caused actual damages to
rz sefllemerzz, as . . .
defaults mounted throughout this the corporation. At the same time, we
rlocrmzenteel in the period, culminating in its failure to successfully opposed the Committee’s
_ conduct the noticed depositions of untimely attempt to introduce a crucial
·fméizC hunkrupfqy the bulk of our clients within the expert report. With its optimistic 7
Gguyfjyjm) IJJKS5 gum deadline. With the broad array of hundred million dollar DELO claim
claims in the pleading still at play, having been thoroughly gutted, and
im f‘?g’lflfi"?$· we filed a comprehensive motion for facing a trial without witnesses or proof;
summary judgment and prepared for the Committee reluctantly accepted a
argument. Having failed to develop a settlement, as documented in the public
sufficient factual record, the Committee bankruptcy court files, of less than its
was compelled to consent to the legal fees.
dismissal of its transfer and preference
Quinn Emanuel lawyers Adrian Pruetz Kathleen Sullivan is former
and Kathleen Sullivan have been named Dean of Stanford Law School and
by the Los Angeles Doibr journal as two is recognized as one of the leading
of California’s top seventy-{ive women appellate attorneys in the country.
litigators. It is the Hfth time that Adrian She joined Quinn Emanuel just over a
. Pruetz has received the honor and the year ago to lead its appellate practice
second time for Kathleen Sullivan. and has already built it into the largest
Adrian Pruetz is co-chair of United States Supreme Court practice
Quinn Emanuel”s Intellectual Property in California. Under her leadership
` Litigation group, which she built when during the past year, Quinn Emanuel°s
she joined the firm 12 years ago, and appellate group has submitted twelve
has been recognized as a top IP lawyer briefs to the country°s highest court.
and trial lawyer by The Los Angeles Doibw A highly accomplished academic
journal Los Angeles Magazine, Chomoers and appellate advocate, Kathleen has
UiS.A. and Global Counsel. She has won argued over thirty appeals in federal
significant patent cases for clients such court and three cases before the U.S.
as Genentech and Nike, and continues Supreme Court, recently winning a -
to represent those clients as well as decision there that struck down state
Monsanto, Avery Dennison, Roche laws that prohibited consumers from
A Molecular Systems, Mattel and other receiving direct shipments of wine
clients of the firm in patent, trademark from out-of—state wineries when in-state
and copyright matters. wineries were permitted to make
such shipments.

Case 1 :04-cv—00884-SLR Document 71-12 Filed 07/17/2006 Page 4 of 4
( Continued fiom page 4)
about whether some of the claims one of the affidavits from a purportedly
° were anticipated or obvious, the “disinterested third party" was from a
` Patent Office requested supporting person who owned stock in the inventor’s
.- declarations from persons “other than company and had previously been a
· -=-i V the inventors.” Ferring submitted five consultant to the company. See Paragon
declarations, but failed to disclose Podiatry Lab., Inc. 11. KLM La/2:., Inc.,
that four of the five supposedly 984 F.2d 1182 (Fed. Cir. 1993).
third-party declarations came from But it isinot only the intentional
scientists connected to Ferring, n failure to disclose past or current
including: the former research director relationships with a declarant that can
of the company then serving as a render a patent unenforceable. The
. paid consultant; a scientist receiving Federal Circuit has also emphasized
research funding from the company at the need to disclose a declarant’s prior
e the time he submitted his declaration conflicting statements. In Pharmacia
8 I and while the patent was being Corp. 11. Par P/1armaceuticaL Inc., 417
llll prosecuted; and a researcher whose F.3d 1369 (Fed. Cir. 2005), the court
if * research was funded with Ferring focused on the failure to disclose in
I Q funds. The court noted that these a declaration conflicting information
relationships “were not isolated, nor relevant to a key issue in the patent
were they confined to the distant past.” examination. In that case, the court
Ferring, 437 F.3d at 1189. it found that found that a declaration was misleading
the declarants’ prior relationships with on novelty, a point of material
Ferring were material, and Ferring’s significance, because the declarant’s
‘ failure to disclose such relationships to statements directly confiicted with an
__ the examiner constituted inequitable article he co-authored, as well as two
` · conduct. The court was careful other articles cited in the declarant’s
I llll n to explain that there was nothing article. These confiicting articles were
inherently improper about patent not disclosed to the patent office. The
applicants consulting other persons Federal Circuit affirmed the district
skilled in the art with whom they have court’s Ending that, because this
or had a professional relationship, _ misleading declaration went to the
and did not seek to discourage this very point of novelty it was so highly
practice. Rather, the court emphasized material that it was proper to infer
. . _. that when such a relationship exists, it intent to deceive the Patent Office.
Thy Smgmlmtgy gf must be disclosed. Finally, the Federal Circuit has
false irftrmiztiorz, The Federal Circuit has found emphasized the requirement that
_ , _ inequitable conduct in other situations information submitted cannot be false.
gum if diem if fw when there is an undisclosed past The submission of false information,
sugjeczivg, b£,jj{y!i;_,_m· or current relationship between the even if there is no subjective belief
patent applicant and an individual that such information is deceptive, is a
such ifffbmifdffan is submitting a supporting declaration. ground for finding inequitable conduct.
dm_€p2.£v€’ is {Z In Rqfzc International, Lta'. v. Lotar The Federal Circuit recentlyrheld
Development Corp., 81 F.3d 1576, 1581- that proof of a subjective belief that a
g‘?”0MI1·*3f »’1!{l71g 82 (Fed. Cir. 1996), the court found submission is false is not required to
. .__ M 6{ inequitable conduct where a patent find inequitable conduct. See Frazier v.
zmciqulm F my uw, applicant failed to disclose that at least Roessel Cine Photo Tec/cr., Inc., 417 F.3d
one of three affidavits purporting to be 1230 (Fed. Cir. 2005). In that case,
_ from people “other than the inventors” Frazier supported his patent application
was from a person formerly employed by submitting video footage illustrating
by the inventors company. Similarly the uniqueness of the optical system,
in another case, the court affirmed a which was purportedly shot using the
finding of inequitable conduct where claimed lens system, but was in fact shot