Free Return of Security Deposit Demand Letter (for Tenant)
This Return of Security Deposit Demand Letter is from a tenant to a landlord demanding return of a security deposit. This letter is sent by the tenant after the premises are vacated and an inspection has taken place. This Return of Security Deposit Demand Letter sets forth the legal remedies which will be taken if the security deposit is not returned in a timely fashion.
Disclaimer:This was not drafted by an attorney & should not be used as a legal document.
Return of Security Deposit Demand Letter
Date: ______________________________
To: _________________________________
Dear __________________________,
I am writing this letter with regard to the security deposit in the amount of $ __________ I had made for lease of the following Premises: _________________________________ ______________________________________________________. As you know, on the _____ day of _______________________, 20______ I vacated the Premises. On this day we conducted a join inspection of the Premises, and it was found that the Premises were in a clean, good repair condition.
It has been ________________ days since I moved out, but yet I have not received the refund of my security deposit or an itemized statement showing any deductions from the security deposit.
Please be advised that if I do not receive a full refund of that deposit within __________ days, I will consider the retention of the deposit to be in “bad faith” under the Civil Code. This gives me the right to sue you.
I look forward to the prompt return of my deposit, which should be sent to the following address: ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________.
Thank you for your cooperation.
cc: [Property Management Company]
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