Free DR-486PORT - Florida

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Pages: 2
Date: July 23, 2008
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State: Florida
Category: Tax Forms
Word Count: 517 Words, 5,001 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Petition to Value adjustment Board Transfer of Homestead Assessment Difference

DR-486PORT N. 07/08
Rule 12DER08-26 Florida Administrative Code Effective 07/08

Petition #________________________________________________________ Petitioner's name Mailing address for notices County Daytime phone

City, State, ZIP


Previous Homestead Property appraiser's parcel ID: ____________________________________________________________________ Physical address: ________________________________________________________________________________ County: ________________________________________________________________________________________ New Homestead Property appraiser's parcel ID: ____________________________________________________________________ Physical address: ________________________________________________________________________________ County: ________________________________________________________________________________________

I, _________________________________________________, petition the Value Adjustment Board for the following reason: 1. Reasons for petition (check all that apply): a. I was denied the transfer of the assessment difference from my previous homestead to my new homestead. I want to appeal the denial. b. I want to appeal the assessment difference amount calculated by the property appraiser for transfer to my new homestead. I believe the homestead assessment difference that should be transferred is $__________________________ c. Ididnotfilefortheassessmentdifferencetransferontime. 2. My petition appeals the actions of the property appraiser in the previous county. Yes No

This petition does not authorize the consideration or adjustment of the just, assessed, or taxable value of the previous homestead. CERTIFICATION Taxpayer Agent

under penalties of perjury, I declare that I am the owner of the new homestead property described in the foregoing petition,ortheauthorizedagentoftheownerforpurposesoffilingthispetitionandbecomingagentforserviceof process as provided in section 194.011(3)(g), Florida Statutes, and that I have read the foregoing petition and that the facts stated in it and any attachments are true. _______________________________________________________________________________
Petitioner's Signature Date


RECEIPT OF PETITION TO BE COMPlETED BY THE ClERk OF THE VAluE ADJuSTMENT BOARD IcertifythatthispetitiontotheValueAdjustmentBoardwasfiledwithmeastheclerkoftheValueAdjustmentBoard of this county on ______________________________ , ________ (a.m., p.m.). My signing and delivery of a copy to the petitioner is a receipt of the petition. I will give a copy of the petition to the county property appraiser. _______________________________________________________________________________
Clerk of the Value Adjustment Board CONTINuED ON PAgE 2

DR-486PORT N. 07/08 Page 2

Petition to Value adjustment Board Transfer of Homestead Assessment Difference Instructions for Completing this Form This form is for use by taxpayers whose application for transfer of a homestead assessment difference was denied or who disagree with the amount of transfer granted as indicated on the Notice of Proposed Taxes. To petition the Value Adjustment Board, the taxpayer must: · Completeandsignthepetition. · FilethepetitionwiththeclerkoftheValueAdjustmentBoardinthecountyofthenew homestead.Afilingfeemayberequired. · Filebythe25thdayaftertheNoticeofProposedPropertyTaxeswasmailed.(Section200.065, Florida Statutes) The clerk of the Value Adjustment Board will: · Completethebottompartoftheformwhenthepetitionisfiled. · Givethepetitionerasignedcopy. · Sendacopytothepropertyappraiserinthecountyofthenewhomestead. · SendacopyofthepetitiontotheclerkoftheValueAdjustmentBoardinthepreviouscounty, if the petitioner is appealing an action of a property appraiser on their previous homestead in a different county. Do not set a hearing in the new county until the Value Adjustment Board in the previous county has sent its decision to the Value Adjustment Board in the new county and to the petitioner. The Value Adjustment Board of the previous county cannot charge an additionalfilingfee. general Information When a taxpayer applies to transfer a homestead assessment difference, the property appraiser in thecountywherethenewhomesteadislocatedmustdeterminebyJuly1ifthetaxpayerqualifiesfor the assessment difference transfer. Ifthetaxpayerqualifiesforthetransfer,theassessedvalueofthenewhomesteadpropertyaslimited by the assessment difference transfer will be included in the Notice of Proposed Property Taxes. Ifthetaxpayerdoesnotqualifyforthetransferoriftheinformationreceivedfromtheproperty appraiserinthecountywheretheprevioushomesteadislocatedwasnotsufficienttoidentifythe property or to determine how much of an assessment difference could be transferred, the property appraiser must notify the taxpayer by personal delivery or registered mail of the denial, including the reasons for denying the transfer.