Free F-1120X - Florida

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Date: December 30, 2008
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State: Florida
Category: Tax Forms
Word Count: 2,073 Words, 12,944 Characters
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Amended Florida Corporate Income/Franchise and Emergency Excise Tax Return

F-1120X R. 01/09
Rule 12C-1.051 Florida Administrative Code Effective 01/09


Formerly known as (if applicable)

Reason for amended return: Amended federal return (attach copy) IRS audit adjustment (attach copy)

Use black ink. Example A - Handwritten Example B - Typed 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0123456789

Other adjustment

Date of Revenue Agent Report (RAR)


For tax year:



Date last return filed:
Check here if negative

City/State/ZIP Check here if negative

Type of return being amended: F-1120 F-1120A F-1120X Fill in applicable items any changes.


Part I and use Part II to explain
1. Federal taxable income 2. State income taxes deducted in computing federal taxable income 3. Additions to federal taxable income 4. Total of Lines 1 through 3 5. Subtractions from federal taxable income 6. Adjusted federal income (Line 4 minus Line 5) 7. Florida portion of adjusted federal income 8. Nonbusiness income allocated to Florida 9. Florida exemption

As originally reported or as adjusted


Correct amount (Attach amended schedules)

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F-1120X R. 01/09


10. Florida net income (Line 7 plus Line 8 minus Line 9)

(Continued on reverse side)

Florida Department of Revenue

Amended Florida Corporate Income/Franchise and Emergency Excise Tax Return

Total amount due from Line 20 Total credit from Line 21

Check here if you transmitted funds electronically

Name Address City/St/ZIP

Total refund from Line 23 FEIN

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F-1120X R. 01/09 Page 2

As originally reported or as adjusted 11. Tax due Check here if paying FL AMT


Correct amount (Attach amended schedules)


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12. Credits against the tax 13. Emergency excise tax 14. Total income/franchise and emergency excise tax due (See instructions) 15. a) Penalty: F-2220 ____ b) Other ______ c) Interest: F-2220 ____ d) Other ______ Total 16. Total of Lines 14 and 15 17. a) Estimated payments _____________________ c) Tax paid with or after return _______________ 18. a) Credit __________________________________ if any shown on last return, or as later adjusted 19. Total payments (Line 17 minus Line 18)

b) Tentative payment ___________________ Total b) Refund _____________________________ Total

20. Total amount due or overpayment (Line 16 minus Line 19). Enter on payment coupon, also. 21. Credit: Enter amount of overpayment credited to ______ estimated tax here and on payment coupon.

22. Offset: Enter amount of overpayment to be offset. 23. Refund: Enter amount of overpayment to be refunded here and on payment coupon.

Contact person: ________________________________ Telephone number: ( ________ ) ________________________ Part II -- Explanation of changes to income, deductions, credits, etc. Attach separate sheet if needed. To expedite processing, please indicate if this tax year has been previously audited by the Department; include the service notification (audit) number.

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge.

Sign here
Signature of officer (must be an original signature) Date Preparer's signature Firm's name (or yours if self-employed) and address

Preparer check if selfemployed FEIN ZIP Preparer's Tax Identification Number (PTIN)

Paid preparer only


This return is considered incomplete unless a copy of the federal return is attached.
A return that is not signed, or improperly signed and verified, will be subject to a penalty. The statute of limitations period will not start until the return is properly signed and verified. This return must be completed in its entirety.

Instructions for Preparing Form F-1120X Amended Florida Corporate Income/Franchise and Emergency Excise Tax Return
Corporate income tax is imposed by section (s.) 220.11, Florida Statutes (F.S.). You must use Florida Form F-1120X to correct a tax return that you previously filed on Florida Forms F-1120 or F-1120A. Use Florida Form F-1120X to correct your return as originally filed or as later adjusted by an amended return, a claim for refund, or an examination. Note: Florida law does not allow net operating loss carrybacks or capital loss carrybacks. You must attach a copy of any schedule, form, or statement filed with the federal form that is applicable to your Florida Form F-1120X. A claim for refund is subject to audit verification and must be supported by proper documentation so the Department of Revenue can process your claim. When to file ­ You may file Florida Form F-1120X only after you have filed the original return. You should file Florida Form F-1120X as soon as there is a change in the taxable income reported on your original return. Generally, you must file a refund claim within three years for taxes paid on or after July 1, 1999.

F-1120XN R. 01/09
Rule 12C-1.051 Florida Administrative Code Effective 01/09

Time Limitations ­ You have 60 days to file Florida Form F-1120X, after the adjustments to your federal taxable income have been agreed to or finally determined. These adjustments to your income may occur through a federal tax audit or a federal amended return. Per s. 220.23(2)(d), F.S., you must file a refund claim based on a federal audit adjustment within two years after the required Florida Form F-1120X filing date, whether or not you filed the Florida Form F-1120X. Where to Send Payments and Returns Make check payable to and send with return to: Florida Department of Revenue 5050 W Tennessee St Tallahassee FL 32399-0135 If you are requesting a refund (Line 23), send your return to: Florida Department of Revenue PO Box 6440 Tallahassee FL 32314-6440

Specific Instructions
Enter the current name and address of your corporation. If the corporation's name has changed since you filed the original return, write the previous name of the business on the line marked "Formerly known as." If the name has not changed, leave this line blank. Check the reason you are filing an amended return. If it is the result of an amended federal return, attach a copy. If it is the result of an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audit adjustment, attach a signed, dated copy of IRS Form 4549A (Income Tax Examination Changes) or other document evidencing the completed audit. Form 4549A is also referred to as a Revenue Agent Report (RAR). Enter the date of the IRS report. Check the box showing the type of return that you are amending. Record the Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) of the corporation. Enter the beginning and ending dates of the tax year for which you are filing an amended return. Enter the date of the last return filed for your corporation. Part I Enter all data in Part I of Florida Form F-1120X. You may need attachments to support the entries in Part I. Attach an appropriate updated Florida Form F-1120 schedule if there are changes. Any substitute schedules must contain all the required information and follow the format of the Department's printed schedules. Include the corporate name and FEIN on all attachments. Incomplete or missing information on Florida Form F-1120X may cause processing delays. The line numbers on Florida Form F-1120X correspond to line numbers of the Florida Form F-1120, with a few exceptions. We outline these exceptions below. In Column A, enter the specified amounts from Florida Forms F-1120 or F-1120A as originally reported or later adjusted. In Column B, enter the corrected amount. Line 11 - Compute Corporate Income/Franchise Tax Due. Enter 5.5 percent of Line 10, with one exception. Taxpayers that paid Florida Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) and taxpayers subject to the Florida AMT because of federal adjustment should compare "regular" Florida tax, on Page 1 of Florida Form F-1120, to the Florida AMT due on Schedule VI of Florida Form F-1120. The taxpayer is liable for whichever is greater, and should enter this amount on Line 11. Line 14 - Total Income/Franchise and Emergency Excise Tax Due. Subtract Line 12 from Line 11. Add the result to the amount on Line 13 and enter the total on Line 14. Line 17 ­ Payments. On Line 17a, enter the amount of estimated tax payments including any allowed overpayment credit from the prior year. On Line 17b, enter the amount of any tentative tax payments sent in with Florida Form F-7004. On Line 17c, enter the amount of any tax paid with the return and any tax paid after you filed the original return. If you paid tax as the result of an audit, include proper documentation. Line 20 ­ Total Amount Due or Overpayment. Subtract Line 19 from Line 16 and enter the difference of tax due or overpayment. If this line reflects tax due, also enter this amount in the space provided on the front of the payment coupon. Make any check payable to the Florida Department of Revenue.

F-1120XN R. 01/09 Lines 21 through 23 - Overpayment. Indicate how you wish to apportion your overpayment: · · Enter on Line 21, the amount of overpayment from Line 20 that you want credited to estimated tax, Enter on Line 22, the amount of overpayment from Line 20 to be offset against underpayments for other years if amended returns are also being filed for other years, and/ or Enter on Line 23, the amount of overpayment from Line 20 you want refunded. Sub S corporations must include the Notice of Acceptance as an S Corporation from the IRS if it has not been included with previously filed returns. Signature and Verification An officer of the entity who is authorized to sign for that entity must sign all returns. An original signature is required. We will not accept a photocopy, facsimile, or stamped signature. A receiver, trustee, or assignee must sign any return you are required to file on behalf of your organization. Any person, firm, or corporation who prepares a return for compensation must also sign the return and provide: · · Federal employer identification number (FEIN), and Preparer tax identification number (PTIN).


Part II - Explanation of Changes to Income, Deductions, Credits, etc. (Use the space provided and/or attach additional sheets.) Enter the line reference for which a change is reported. Give the reason for each change. If the change involves an item of income, deduction, or credit that Florida Form F-1120 or its instructions requires you to support with a schedule, statement, or form, attach the correct schedule, statement, or form to this Florida Form F-1120X. Explain any computational changes and attach supporting schedules. Explain any changes in the apportionment fraction used on the original return. Use Schedules III and IV of Florida Form F-1120 to recompute the apportionment fraction and to determine the Florida portion of adjusted federal or net income. Attach these schedules to Florida Form F-1120X.

e Ryourmember Make check payable to the
Florida Department of Revenue in US dollars. Write your FEIN on your check. Sign your check and all returns. Attach your signed, dated copy of IRS Form 4549A and/or other required documents.

For Information and Forms
Information and forms are available on our Internet site at To receive forms by mail: · Order multiple copies of forms from our Internet site at or · Mail form requests to: Distribution Center Florida Department of Revenue 168A Blountstown Hwy Tallahassee FL 32304-3761 Comments and Suggestions Your help to improve this tax return and instructions is welcome. Comments and suggestions may be e-mailed to [email protected] or mailed to: Communication Services Process Florida Department of Revenue 5050 W Tennessee St Tallahassee FL 32399-0100
To speak with a Department of Revenue representative, call Taxpayer Services, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., ET, at 800-352-3671. Persons with hearing or speech impairments may call our TDD at 800-367-8331 or 850-922-1115. For a written reply to tax questions, write: Taxpayer Services Florida Department of Revenue 5050 W Tennessee St Bldg L Tallahassee FL 32399-0112 Department of Revenue service centers host educational seminars about Florida's taxes. To get a schedule of upcoming seminars or to register for one, · Visit us online at or · Call the service center nearest you.