Case 1 :05-cv-00072-JJF Document 97-2 Filed 10/06/2006 Page 1 of 2
l hereby certify that on October 6, 2006, the attached NOTICE OF SUBPOENA was
served upon the below-named counsel of record at the address and in the manner indicated:
William H. Sudeil, Jr., Esq. Tiffany Geyer Lydon, Esq.
Daniel Butz, Esq. Philip Trainer, Jr., Esq.
Morris, Nichols Arsht & Tunnell LLP Ashby & Geddes
1201 N. Market Street 222 Delaware Avenue
Wilmington, DE 19899 Wilmington, DE 1980l
Via Hand Delivery Via Hand Delivery
Elizabeth K. Ainslie, Esq. Karen Lee Turner, Esq.
Schneider Harrison Segal & Lewis, LLP Eckert Seainans Cherin & Mellott, LLP
1600 Market Street, Suite 2600 4 E_ gth Su-gat, Suite 200
Philadelphia, PA 19103 Wilmington, DE 19801
Via First Class Mail Via Hmm- Delivgm,
James L. Holzman, Esq. John I. Grossbart, Esq.
Clayton Athey, Esq. Scnnenschein, Nath & Rosenthal LLP
Prickett, Jones & Elliot, P.A. 8000 Sears Tower
13 l0 King Street 233 S. Wacker Drive
Wilmington, DE 19801 Chicago, lL 60606
Via Hand Delivery Via First Class Mail
Michael S. Waters, Esq. Neil G. Epstein, Esq.
McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney 8.; Carpenter, LLP Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLP
Tlaee Gateway Ceatet isis Maile sneer, sth sim
109 Melbettv Stteet Philadelphia, PA 19102
Newatta NF 07102 Via First Class Mail
Via F irsr Class Mail
John H. Eickemeyer, Esq. John W. Shaw, Esq.
Vedder, Price, Kaufman & Kammolz, P.C. Dawn Jones, Esq.
805 Third Avenue Young, Conaway, Stargatt & Taylor
NGW Y0rk· NY 10022 1000 West Street, l'lih Floor
Via First Class Mail Wilmington, DE lgggg
Via Hand Delivery
Case 1:05-cv-00072-JJF
Document 97-2
Filed 10/06/2006
Page 1 of 2
Case 1:05-cv-00072-JJF
Document 97-2
Filed 10/06/2006
Page 2 of 2