_ . as 1:0 - v 067-SLR Document 58-6 Filed 10/10/2007 I Pa_§Q1&lol;1’l¤ 7 l
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PURPOSE: To provide a structured system with built—in rewards and l
consequences for compliance or noncompliance with overall I
treatment. By establishing these clear guidelines, residents . l
‘_ l will be encouraged to participate to their fullest and to
. _· comply with the treatment that is offeredto them. l
U PROCEDURES: Each inmate on the Transition Unit earns privileges ·. L
through the level system. Levels are determined by the M j
_ mental health therapists. Seeurig'sta;[f is consultedto ·
{ , · -— rmation regarding igm ate behavior. Levels will - 1
` · be revi-ewed weekly, and changes- will be reviewed with the _
‘ inmate.
` l
The following factors will be used to determine levels:
. Medication compliance l
r*‘=·‘="-1% Appropriate behavior (no acting—gTut, no vvrite—ups,
. following Transition Unit rules) l
` Passing cell inspection " '
i Passing personal hygiene inspection
‘ Group attendance - .
Individual counseling attendance ` "
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· I - 1. BASIC LEVEL · · E _ ,_ ,_ -
Locked down 23 hours per day (one hour recreation) oisiniiii EELUTEL/(afi}//EQE
No commissary = _.
No visits I ‘
Meals in cell _ .
A Only allowed basic bedding and hygiene supplies
. inmates on b-asic level have been on a higher level and have acted out, have
_ decompensated due to refusing medication, or are refusing to comply with
. = the program. ' _