Case 1:05-cv—00063-SLR Document 6-3 Filed 05/20/2005 Page 1 of 1
I, David A. Felice, do hereby certify that on May , 2005, true and correct copies of
the foregoing were caused to be served upon counsel of record at the following addresses as
Via First Class Mail Via First Class Mail
David L. Baumberger Edward A. Jaeger, Jr. Esquire
Chrissinger & Baumberger White and Williams
3 Mill Road, Suite 301 1800 One Liberty Place
Wilmington, DE 19806 Philadelphia, PA 19103-7395
Via First Class Mail
William H. Resch, Esquire
Marshall, Demiehey, Warner,
Coleman and Goggin
620 West Germantown Pike, Suite 350
Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462-1056
·-3;,.,.%;,4. aa.
David‘A. Felice (#4090)
WILMl\30476\l 123111.000