Case 1:05-cv-00035-GMS
Document 43
Filed 10/24/2006
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IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE BADALAMENT, INC., et al., Plaintiffs, v. DAYSTAR SILLS, INC., et al., Defendants, and NUCOR BUILDING SYSTEMS, Third-Party Plaintiff, v. WESTFIELD INSURANCE GROUP, Third-Party Defendant. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
C.A. No. 05-035 (GMS)
STIPULATION OF DISMISSAL It is hereby stipulated and agreed by and between the parties, and subject to the Court's approval that the above-captioned matter is DISMISSED with prejudice pursuant to Rule 41(a)(1) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Each party will bear its own costs.
/s/ Sean J. Bellew Sean J. Bellew (#4072) Cozen O'Connor 1201 N. Market Street, Suite 1400 Wilmington, DE 19801 Telephone: (302) 295-2000 Attorneys for Plaintiffs
/s/ Michael L. Silverman Michael L. Silverman (#3034) Robert C. McDonald (#2340) Silverman McDonald & Friedman 1010 North Bancroft Parkway, Suite 22 Wilmington, DE 19805 Telephone: (302) 888-2900 Attorney for Defendant, Daystar Sills and Third-Party Defendant Westfield Insurance Group
Case 1:05-cv-00035-GMS
Document 43
Filed 10/24/2006
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/s/ R. Stokes Nolte R. Stokes Nolte (#2301) Nolte & Brodoway, P.A. Three Mill Road, Suite 304 Wilmington, DE 19806 Telephone: (302) 777-1700 Attorney for Defendant, Eclipse Erectors
/s/ George T. Lees George T. Lees, III (#3647) Rawle & Henderson 300 Delaware Avenue, Suite 1130 P.O. Box 588 Wilmington, DE 19899 Telephone: (302) 778-1200 Attorney for Defendant and Third-Party Plaintiff, NUCOR Building Systems
IT IS SO ORDERED this _____ day of ________________, 2006 that the matter is DISMISSED with prejudice.
The Honorable Gregory M. Sleet
Case 1:05-cv-00035-GMS
Document 43
Filed 10/24/2006
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CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Sean J. Bellew, do hereby certify that on October 24, 2006, I electronically filed the foregoing with the Clerk of Court using CM/ECF which will send notification of such filing to the following counsel of record:
Michael L. Silverman, Esquire Robert C. McDonald, Esquire Silverman McDonald & Friedman 1010 North Bancroft Parkway, Suite 22 Wilmington, DE 19805 George T. Lees, III, Esquire Rawle & Henderson 300 Delaware Avenue, Suite 1130 P.O. Box 588 Wilmington, DE 19899
R. Stokes Nolte, Esquire Nolte & Brodoway, P.A. Three Mill Road, Suite 304 Wilmington, DE 19806
/s/ Sean J. Bellew Sean J. Bellew (#4072) Cozen O'Connor 1201 N. Market Street, Suite 1400 Wilmington, DE 19801 Telephone: (302) 295-2000 Email: [email protected]