Free Supplemental Memorandum - District Court of California - California

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Pages: 5
Date: December 31, 1969
File Format: PDF
State: California
Category: District Court of California
Author: unknown
Word Count: 609 Words, 3,509 Characters
Page Size: 612.24 x 791.76 pts

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Preview Supplemental Memorandum - District Court of California
FFfiN : EL Case 3:08-cr-00470-DMS PRLHCI1IDE NEDIFIS.

Document 28-2 PHDNENO. : A1

of 5 311Filed 07/16/2008J u l . Page 1 B A 0 1 : 1 4 P f ' 1 P A t 2 L2 49 32 75 ?A

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Teplb,Nayarit de2008 Julio

it ToriVhom bdlongs:

In this peper I permitmy eelf to inforrn you that l've beenknowing Jos0 Mr. Carnarena for Gdllegos 6 years. And in allthistimeI canassure inat he is a you person, Sincere, trustworthy Who alsois very responsible his workand his with famify, besides beinga goodfriend.
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so ! this information it can be used the best way towardsthe intqrested,

Slncerrely goodbys thankyou. and

Arq.Rene Ortiz. /ernando

: Case 3:08-cr-00470-DMS FROI"1 EL PHLHf,IO DE IIEDIHS.

Document 28-2 FHONEN[. : E1

f,11Filed 07/16/2008Ju LPageZAEE El : 15P1"1 ? 1? 05 32 15 2 of 5

1;5 Tepi0';Nayaritdejuliode 2008.


HonUiable Sr.'Judge

I am,Claudia Gonzdlez, of Jos6Guadalupe Ardvalo wife Camarena Gallegos, we havean 11 monthchild.I referto you to ask for forgivene$s behaveof on my,husband the wrongact he has committed. havJtaked to my husband for I andI knowthatallthistimethathe hasbeenin jail he has hadenough timeto thlnl(abouthieactsand is really sorry.

It is first andit completes timethatmy husband commits crime. a
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I as,
I swearthat hg will nevercommita wrongact likethe one he has done. I agftiyoupleapeconsidermy words.

Thankyoufor yourattention.

Claudia Ar6valoGonzdlez,

Case 3:08-cr-00470-DMS FRDN : EL PRLFICIO NEDIRS. DE

Document 28-2 311 Filed 07/16/2008 u l . Page E EofA5 : 1 5 P N PHONE N0. : A1 ? t? A3 3? J 15 Z 3 B 1

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I atnrfrlendof the family Camarena Arevaloand know Mr, Jose years. am,found thathe is imprisoned. Camarena I Gallegos 6 for out I bHlleve that if rnhde6omecrime it were by ignorance asidefrom the diffiFult situation whichit was crossing familybecause by its I econbmic justice, knoW it is sheis a person that who tias not hadprob-lems with H" !Sa worklng, responsible goodhusband goodfather. man, and Please he':lreeds opportunity returnnext to its family.They need very the to mu0,tr.

Thdrrks its attention. for
,i,l :.


lic. nica#oLeon L6pez.


EL Case 3:08-cr-00470-DMS FBLFCI! DE I'1EDIF15.

Document 28-2 fll Filed 07/16/2008 Jur. ls ZEEBEl:16pi'r Fa4 Page 4 of 5 FHIINE NCI' : Bl z li 09 f2

13 Nayarit de Juliode 2008 Tepic,

f peftn the'Hir truri$rrr
him.Thanking my on


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Case 3:08-cr-00470-DMS FRiJiI : EL FfiLI:iCIO DE I''1EDIFIS.
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Document 28-2 511 Filed 07/16/2008 I .Page 5 of61 : 16Pl'1 PHUNEI'lU. : El 7 7Z gi 37 Ju 15 2AAB 5


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le Mr.Judge:

andI am convinced for Gallegos I years Mr. I've,been knowinq JosdCamarens
itu ror lgllutattt itao and A goo0.nean. that and,,,know he has nobleteelings pleaseforgivehim; coneiderand help him, rnniimittedo wrond act. I ask vou to eo diat he cap be againwith his family'thatreallyneed him'
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it' please consider AnSagain :'
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za LionzalezE.

