Free 26235.PDF - Indiana

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State: Indiana
Category: Secretary of State
Author: shuffman
Word Count: 301 Words, 1,893 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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State Form 2 6235 (R4 / 1-03 ) Appro ve d by State Bo ard of Accou nts 1995

TODD RO KITA SECRETARY OF STATE CO RP ORATIONS DIVISION 302 W. Washington St., Rm. E018 Ind ianap olis, IN 46204 Te lephon e: (317 ) 2 32-657 6 Indian a Cod e 2 3-1-18 -5 FILING FEE : $3 0.0 0


Use 8 1/2" x 11" white paper for attachments. Present original and one (1) copy to address in upper right corner of this form. Please TYPE or PRINT. Please visit our office on the web at ARTICLES OF CORRECTION OF

Name o f Corpora tion

This is a

Domestic corporation

Foreign corporation incorporated or authorized to transact business in Indiana on _________________

_______________________________________________ .
1. The A rticles of Correcti on are file d to co rrect: (Describe document to be co rrecte d a nd d ate filed or attach incorrect do cumen t.)

2 . The se Article s of Corre ction are filed to correct:

an incorrect statement and / or

a defect in the execution, attestation, seal, verification or acknowledgement

3 . The incorr ect statement(s) is (a re) as follows: (Attach add ition al she et(s) if necessary.)

4 . The sta temen t(s) is (are ) in cor rect, or the ma nner of execution was defecti ve for the following reason( s): ( Attach additional sheet(s) i f necessar y.)

(Continued on the reverse side)

5 . The following is ( are) th e corre cted statement(s) an d / or the corrected exe cution( s): (Attach additiona l sheet(s) i f necessa ry)

In Witness Whereof, the undersigned being the _________________________________________________________________________
( Title)

of said Corporation executes these Articles of Correction and verifies, subject to penalties of perjury, that the facts contained herein are true, this ___________________________ day of _______________________________ , 20 ________ .
Signature Printed name