IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF ARIZONA Phoenix Division CR 01-00204-1 PHX SMM Year Case No. Dft # HON: USA v. STEPHEN M. McNAMEE GALLEGOS, LINDA Last Name Not Present CRIMINAL MINUTES REVOCATION DATE: 11/14/05 Judge:# 7020 First Name Released X Middle Initial Custody Writ
0DEFENDANT: X Present Deputy Clerk: Traci C. Abraham
Court Reporter: Gary Moll
U.S. Atty Joe Welty Deft Atty: Celia Rumann (FPD) Intrptr: Language: =============================================================================== Dft not appearing, on mot of US Atty, B/W issued. PROCEEDINGS: X REVOCATION PROCEEDINGS. Probation violation DEFENDANT: X Supervised release violation. Denies allegations
Admits allegations Stand. #8
Evidentiary hearing vacated. COURT FINDS: Dft has X / has not /violated conditions of probation/supervised release.
Dft waives time for sentencing and PSR. JUVENILE admits to: JUDGMENT/SENTENCE ENTERED: EVIDENTIARY HEARING on: Set for final disposition hearing on: 12/12/05 at 9:00 a.m. OTHER: Remaining allegations to be dismissed at disposition.
Case 2:01-cr-00204-SMM
Document 39
Filed 11/14/2005
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