Free Personal Loan Legal Forms

  • Promissory Notes
  • These Promissory Note Forms should be used in any situation when one person borrows money from another.

  • Personal Loan Agreements
  • These Personal Loan Agreements, also known as Promissory Notes, should be used in any situation when one person borrows money from another.

  • Promissory Note (personal Loan Agreement): Installment Payments
  • The Installment Promissory Note details the principle amount of the loan, the rate of interest, the timetable for repayment, and more. The Installment Promissory Note requires the borrower to repay the loan according to a specified monthly payment schedule unt

  • Promissory Note (personal Loan Agreement): Term
  • The Promissory Note (Term) requires the borrower to pay back the entire principal amount of the loan on a specific date. Interest payments will be made yearly, and the accrued interest for the year in which the principal amount of the loan is to be paid back,

  • Promissory Note (personal Loan Agreement): Balloon Payment
  • The Promissory Note with Final Balloon Payment states that the borrower will repay the lender with equal monthly payments (including principal and interest) and a final balloon payment, which is a final large payment that includes remaining principal and inter