Free Answer to Complaint - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

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Pages: 1
Date: April 26, 2005
File Format: PDF
State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
Word Count: 1,081 Words, 6,623 Characters
Page Size: 622 x 792 pts

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Preview Answer to Complaint - District Court of Delaware
Case 1 :05-cv-00035-Gl\/IS Document 13-2 Filed 04/26/2005 Page 1 of 1
.lS The JS-44 civil cover sheet and the infomation contained herein neither replace nor supglement the tiling and service o!_;u|eut§irtg,s or other papers tts required
by low, except asgarovided by iocai ruies ofcourt_ This term, approver} by the Iecitertsi ortfereticc of the United States tn Septernber l9“/4. ts required lor the
use ofthe Clerk o Coun for tire purpose ofittitiztttrtg the civil docket sheet (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE REVERSE OF THE FORM )
I. (rt) PLAINTIFFS DEFENDANTS Do it ·s 'ww S kite _ Terr, _ Ecl .p<; e
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hh! For g lC)tw·ti—t IQ t u,{.or i),tt.t.\i t fl eég rm LAND HWOWED
(C) Attorney's (Finn Name, Address, and Telepltone Number) A¥t01"¤¤yS {ll`K¤¤\vt\)
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BASIS OF (Piece un in One Box Only) IIL CITIZENSHIP PRINCIPAL- I]ARTIESti‘irtee tm H in One Bm tor l’lsriotitt'
(FGF Diversity Cztscs Only) and Une iiox lor lleierttlttrttt
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Cl l U S Government El 3 Federal Question Citizen olThis Stott: ij] i C] l lneorponttedor Prirttstprtl Plttee M Jl [E4
PleintilT (U S Govemmcr1tNttt :1 Party} of Business I:1 ihis State
Cl 2 L3 S Govemtnent Q 4 Diversity Citizen ol` Another Strtte lj 2 EJ 2 lrieorpontteti turd Principal Place Cl 5 B 5
Deferttlrtnt (lrtdicate Citizenship ol Parties of Busittess lst Anot|ierStztte
in item lll)
Citizen or Subject ol tt I:} 3 El 3 Foreign Nation lj tn K] 6
Fnreéen Cotrnt
IV. NATURE OF SUIT (Pierce rm "X" in One Box Only)
corvrmtcr tours FORFEITURIE/PENi\l.TY orrtert s·r,t·1·urr;s
E Iltt htsuntrtce l’1El'tSONAL §NJUR\’ PERSONAL. IN-IURY I] 6l0 Agrictrlture E] $22 Ap;1ett%2ii USC 15K K] 400 State ilerrgtportiottrnettt
lit} Marine Cl 3t0 .·'tirpi;trte F:] 362 Persortui lrriury- E {r2tt{)tIrer Fuetl at Drug C3 ·tI0 Arttitrttst
C} l30t\liiierAet E] 3iS Airplane Product Med Itlztliarttetiee Ei 625 Dmgiteltttetl Seizure [I] 423 \\'it|ttlr1twst| Ci Utilirtrtksrirrti llrroking
U l·l0Negntittble Instnimertt Liability [Zi 365 Personal §rtjury—— uI`Prepet1y2l USC 28 USC I5? {Il 450Comrnerr:e¤'lL‘C Rattcsrelc
Cl t50 Recovery ofOvet·pttyment li] 320.·\trsrtr:ltt Liltel at l’t·otitrct Littbiiity K] 630 Liqtzot’l,ttws _ Cl 460 [3epot·ttttion
5:, Iinforeemertt oflttdgmettt Slazrder [3 363 Asbestos 1"ersettel U 640 RAR. S: Tmcit PROPERTY RIGHUI S EI.] 470 Rttcketeer lrtlluetteetl mid
C1 ¥5l Mediertre Aer [`3 330Fetlera§E1npIt1yers` Injury l’rot§ut:t Cl t’:50AirIincRegs. U Bwcu .:h_ CorruptOrgttrtiauttiorts
El 152 Recovery ot"DeI“:1ulretl §..i:1t>iIity Liability Cl 660O=:r:up:1tiort:tl Q 850 Pluliliglhl i' C} 8 I0 Selective Service
Studertt Lorttts Cl 3·l{5Mnrit1r: Pl2RSONr\L-l’RO1'Eltl`\’ Safety/liettlttt U H_mT° I°;_“W_1_ E R50Scenrities/Cotrtnttttlitiesr
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[J t5] lI|1CD\<'tZF}'0fO\'Ef[23lj’¤tEl1I Lirtbiiity I] 3'i'l Truth in Lrerttlirtg lj K75 Customer Cltztlieuge
ot`\·'etemn's tiertelits E] 350 Motor Velsitzle I] 380 Other l’crsortai 12 USC 34iil
Cl lt'»0 Stur:kheiders` Suits E] 355 Motor \·'t:hit:Ie Ptoprtsty Drtmage ., ·. , , T . Cl H9} r\gri:tt|tur:1IAets
Cl tilt} Other Cottlntct Product Liability E 3il5 Property Dztrttttge D no Uhm Sl`]mj`m|° E g:_ft£I£;)?!i29.m Cl 892 Eeottomie Strnbilizrttiorr Aer
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REAL rR¤¤·¤¤¤m* Give RIGHTS G mi h TM IR . g yi ggmgt ge it to $53.;. ti- " ’ `
JI DI'! ' ’IH l£`)U¢TII‘tI.l I - * .
E 210 Lrtrttl Cortdetntttttioo Cl ·$·ll Voting K] Sli] ivlotiotts to Vttetate 5; Discloiittre Alt W L m WU lllmilsllyilili _Imhwm“
[Q] 120 Furueiosttre Cl ·l·lZ El11|1lD_)'tTtt!t`%! Slmilillcu E;] TW |i=¤il“‘=t>’ lelllmr Ml 'I_);ijlt;;· l`; util \; i-t:~:< tri
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Cl 2.15 ttm rwsttttet ijshility El ·r.r.t tvertttm tj sas oetrrtttwmrtty "' D"l“'“l""" D Wl “'
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V,. ORIGIN { Trunlsfergetl from Di;iit·iet
ttnot ter istriet lutlge Horn
m i Otiginrtl Cl 2 Removed {torn Ei 3 Retnanrlctl irom Q 4 Reirtstttted or El 5 (speeily) U 6 lviultitiistrict Ci 7 Nlttgistrtttc
Proceeding State Coun Appeilate Court Reopenett Litigation Judgrnertt
T (Cite lite U S, Civil Strttttte ttrtder whielt you rtre iiiittg and write ltriefsnttentent of ezrttse
VL CAUSE Ol ACTION Do not cite jurisdirstiomtl statutes tzstlessthversity)

VII. REQUESTED IN Q CHECK IF Ti-HS IS A (QLASS ACTION DEl\·IANl} S Cl·EEC1~C YES only ifdetnrrttrieti its eontpltttrttz
COMPLAINF: trrzorztt t= rt c.r· 23 Juttv omr,tr~tr>; re vit its No
VIII. RELATED CASE(S) ir1structions):
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RlECE|i"l` It AMO%JNil` r’\[’l’LY|NG WP JUDGE MAG JiJl}(i§i