Free Power of Attorney for the Sale of a Motor Vehicle
A Power of Attorney for the Sale of a Motor Vehicle document is used when a grantor gives another the rights and powers to sell a vehicle. This Power of Attorney is limited and applies only for the sale of a specific vehicle.
Disclaimer:This was not drafted by an attorney & should not be used as a legal document.
Power of Attorney for the Sale of a Motor Vehicle
____________________, the “principal,” of ______________________, herewith appoints _____________________ of _______________________, as their attorney in fact, to act in the place and stead and with the same authority as Principal would have to transfer the following motor vehicle, and to take any other necessary steps to transfer title the following motor vehicle:
Make: ___________
Model: ______________
Year: ___________
Body: ____________
Vehicle identification number: ________________________
The odometer described above now reads ______________ miles.
I (we) certify that to the best of my (our) knowledge the odometer reading as stated above reflects the actual mileage of the vehicle described below.
In addition, I (we) certify that the odometer of the vehicle described above was not altered, set back, or disconnected while in my (our) possession, and I (we) have no knowledge of anyone else doing so.
The sales price of the vehicle is: $ ______ (________________________ & ____/100 dollars)
____________________ By Authorizer of Power of Attorney
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