Free Revocation of a Power of Attorney for Care of Children
This Revocation of Power of Attorney for Care of Children is used to revoke the powers previously given to others regarding the care of your children. This revocation must always be set out in writing in order to be effective in revoking those powers.
Disclaimer:This was not drafted by an attorney & should not be used as a legal document.
Revocation of a Power of Attorney for Care of Children
I, __________, of __________, by written instrument dated __________, 20____, appointed __________ of __________, my attorney in fact for the purposes and with powers therein set forth under my Power of Attorney for Care of Children
Notice is hereby given that I have revoked, and do hereby revoke, the above-described power of attorney, and all power and authority thereby given, or intended to be given, to ______________.
Dated: __________, 20____.
Signed: _________________
STATE OF ____________ §
COUNTY OF __________ §
______________________, personally appeared before me this _____ day of ____________, 200___.
Notary Public
My commission expires: ___________________
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