A Power of Attorney for the Sale of Real Estate is used when giving limited power to another person to sell real estate which you own. This document sets out the specific powers granted pertaining to the sale of real estate and can be revoked at any time by the maker.
_______________________, hereinafter referred to as PRINCIPAL, whose address, _________________________________________ being of sound mind, desire to appoint ___________________, whose address is ____________________________________, ___________ as my true and lawful attorney-in-fact.
Any and all powers of attorney that previously have been signed by principal are hereby revoked. However, the preceding sentence shall not have the effect of revoking any powers of attorney that are directly related to principal’s health care that previously have been signed by principal.
In the principal's name, and for the principal's use and benefit, said attorney-in-fact is authorized hereby:
1) Sell, convey, lease, mortgage, manage, insure, improve, repair, or perform any other act with respect to any of principal’s property currently owned or acquired later, including, but not limited to, real estate and real estate rights (including the right to remove tenants and to recover possession).
2) Sell, exchange, buy, invest, or reinvest any assets or real or tangible property owned or acquired later.
3) Perform any act necessary to negotiate, sell or transfer any note or security.
4) Enter into legally binding contracts on behalf of Principal.
5) Prepare, sign, and file documents with any governmental body or agency, including, but not limited to, authorization to:
This power of attorney will continue to be effective even though I become disabled, incapacitated, or incompetent.
This power of attorney terminates on _____________.
All that said attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done under the authority of this power of attorney is expressly approved.
I agree that any third party who receives a copy of this document may act under it.
Dated: __________, 20____ at _________________________, _________________________.
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