Free Letter - District Court of Delaware - Delaware

File Size: 52.3 kB
Pages: 2
Date: October 4, 2006
File Format: PDF
State: Delaware
Category: District Court of Delaware
Author: unknown
Word Count: 565 Words, 3,155 Characters
Page Size: 614 x 792 pts

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Case1:O5—cy-00037-SLR Document 89 Fi|ed10/O3/2006 Page10f2
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_ Case 1:05-cv-00037-SLR Document 89 Filed 10/O3/2006 Page 2 of 2
I Certiiicate of Service
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BY PLACING SAME IN A SEALED ENVELOPE and depositing same in the United
States Mail at the Delaware Correctional Center. I ISI Paddock Road, Smyrna. DE
On this I S"` day of O C. Ita l>t>—{ . 2006
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