Free COUNTY - Minnesota

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State: Minnesota
Category: Court Forms - State
Author: Preferred Customer
Word Count: 480 Words, 2,906 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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Petty Misdemeanor Statement of Rights


State of Minnesota

District Court

Select County

I understand: Q ponima[ hto%

1. I am charged with committing the offense(s) described in the complaint, citation, or ticket. Mne pred=qvleno obvinenie v soverwenii pravonaruweniq, opisannogo v iske, povestke v Sud ili wtrafnom talone. 2. The maximum possible sentence for a petty misdemeanor is a fine of $300.00 and applicable surcharges. Maksimal;nym nakazaniem za melkoe pravonaruwenie qvlqetsq dene'nyj wtraf v razmere $300.00 s sootvet stvu[]imi doplatami. 3. I have the right to be represented by an attorney at all stages of the proceedings. However, Minnesota law states I must hire my own attorney for a petty misdemeanor charge. Q ime[ pravo byt; predstavlennym advokatom v tehenie sudebnogo processa. Odnako, po zakonu wtata Minn esota, q dol'en nanqt; svoego advokata dlq za]ity pri obvinenii v melkom pravonaruwenii. 4. I have the following rights: Q ime[ sledu[]ie prava% a) for the case to be continued for me to obtain or to speak to an attorney. na otsrohku sluwaniq dlq togo, htoby q smog#smogla najti advokata. b) to a trial before a judge in which I am presumed innocent until proven guilty by the state beyond a reasonable doubt. na sud s prisq'nymi ili bez prisq'nyx, v tehenie kotorogo soxranqetsq prezumpciq moej nevinovnost i do tex por, poka moq vina ne budet polnost;[ dokazana. c) to remain silent at all times, including at trial. To testify, if I wish, but anything I may testify to can be used against me in Court. xranit; molhanie v tehenie vsego vremeni, vkl[haq sudebnyj process. Q ime[ pravo pri 'elanii davat; svidetel;skie pokazaniq, no to, hto q ska'u, mo'et byt; ispol;zovano protiv menq v Sude. d) to confront and cross-examine all witnesses. na ohnu[ stavku i perekr\stnyj dopros vsex svidetelej. e) to subpoena witnesses on my behalf. na vyzov svidetelej v Sud ot moego imeni. 5. I (check one): Q (pomet;te a, b, ili v.) a. wish to plead guilty to the offense charged. xohu priznat; sebq vinovnym v pred=qvlennom mne obvinenii. b. wish to plead not guilty to the offense charged. xohu zaqvit; o svoej nevinovnosti v pred=qvlennom mne obvinenii. c. request a continuance to consult with an attorney. prowu otlo'it; sluwanie dela dlq konsul;tacii s advokatom.

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Minnesota Court Translations


Petty Misdemeanor Statement of Rights Date: Data% Sign your name on this line Raspiwites; na /toj linii Date of Birth: Data ro'deniq: Name, address, and phone number of your attorney: Imq, adres i nomer telefona Vawego advokata%


Print your name, current address, and phone number: Napiwite pehatnymi bukvami Vawe imq, adres i telefon%

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Translated by Minnesota Translation Laboratory
