Free State of Minnesota - Minnesota

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State: Minnesota
Category: Court Forms - State
Author: JohnsonB
Word Count: 696 Words, 4,591 Characters
Page Size: Letter (8 1/2" x 11")

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State of Minnesota

District Court
Judicial District: Court File Number: Case Type: Criminal

Select County
State of Minnesota, Plaintiff vs. , Defendant
I understand: xƬMyl'fa: 1.

Misdemeanor Statement of Rights

I am charged with committing the offense(s) described in the complaint, citation, or ticket. If I have not received a written complaint describing the charges against me, I may request one.
xƬM¨tUvVnecaTeday¨b¨Bwt`bTelµIs EdlVnerobrab'enAk~¬gbN`wg, dIkaekaHehA, Ébgûan'«d. ebIxƬMminVnTTYl bN`wgCalayl&kÅGk§r Edlerobrab'karecaT¨bkan'mkelIxÂçnxƬMeT xƬMGaces~IsMu¨kdasenaHmYy.


The maximum sentence for a misdemeanor offense is a fine of $1,000 and applicable surcharges, 90 days in jail, or both. karkat'eTaskMritxõs'bMputsMrab'bTelµIsmCÎwm KWkarBin&ycMnYn $1,000 nig«fÂBin&ybEnÄmebIman, 90 «f©k~¬gKuk É


I can be charged with a crime if I fail to appear in Court when I am told or notified of a Court date. The punishment for failure to appear can include a fine, jail, or both.
xƬMGac¨tUvVnecaTedaybTÓ¨kid½mYy Ca¨Vk', dak'Kuk ÉTaMgBIry"ag. ebIxƬMefÂaHeFÂayminVnbgúajxÂçnenAtulakar enAeBlEdlxƬM¨tUvVn¨Vb'rYc ehIy ÉVn[dMNwgGMBI«f©eTAtulakar. kardak'eTassMrab'karefÂaHeFÂaymineTAbgúajxÂèn GacmanrYmTaMgkarBin&y


I have the right to be represented by an attorney at all times and an attorney will be appointed without cost to me if I cannot afford to pay for an attorney.
xƬMmansiTìi[manemFavICatMNagrbs'xƬM enA¨Kb'eBl ehIyemFavIm~ak'nwg¨tUvVncat'taMg[ edayminGs'kM«rdl'xƬM eLIy ebIxƬMminGacmanlTìPaBbg'«fÂsMrab'emFavIenaH.


I have the following constitutional rights: xƬMmansiTìieTAtamcºab'EdlEcgdUcteTA: a. for the case to be continued for me to obtain or speak to an attorney.
sMrab'sMNMuerOgedImºI¨tUvbn` sMrab'xƬMTTYl ÉniyayCamYyemFavIm~ak'.

b. to a trial by the Court, or by a jury of six persons, in which I am presumed innocent until proven guilty by the state beyond a reasonable doubt.
edImºIkarkat'k`IedaytulakarmYy, Éeday¨kumKNîvinicÏ&ymYyEdlman¨VMmYynak', enAk~¬gkrNIEdlxƬMsnµt' faKµaneTas rhUtdl'rkeXIjfamankMhusedayrd½ elIsBIkarsg§&yedaysmrm´mYy.

c. to remain silent at all times, including at trial. Anything I say may be used against me.
enAes©om¨Kb'eBl rYmTaMgenAeBlkat'k`I. GÃI@EdlxƬMniyay Gacnwgykmke¨bI¨bqaMgnwgxƬM.

d. the right to confront and cross-examine all witnesses.
siTìitTl' nigBinit´eTAvijeTAmk¨Kb'sak§ITaMgGs'.

e. the right to subpoena witnesses on my behalf.
Form ­ Khmer/Cambodian Translation Misdemeanor Statement of Rights Page 1 Approved by Conference of Chief Judges: date Revised: 6/2001


I (check one): xƬM (KUsmYy): a. request a court-appointed attorney and have completed a form regarding my income, property, and expenses.
es~IsMu[tulakarcat'[manemFavIm~ak' nig VnbMeBj¨kdasmYyGMBI¨Vk'Ex, ¨TB´smºti`, nigkarcMNay rbs'xƬM.

b. request a continuance to obtain or speak to an attorney.
es~IsMu[mankarbn`mYyedImºITTYl ÉniyayCamYyemFavIm~ak'.

c. do not request a court-appointed attorney and waive (give up) the right to an attorney.
mines~IsMu[tulakarcat'[manemFavIm~ak'eLIy ehIyelIkElg (eVHbg')siTìisMrab'rkemFavIm~ak'.

d. have retained my own attorney.

Name, address and phone number of your attorney: eQµaH, Gas&yd½an nigelxTUrs&Bærbs'emFavIrbs'G~k:

If you have checked box 6a or 6b, STOP HERE, DATE AND SIGN THE BACK OF THIS FORM. ebIG~kKUselx 6a É 6b, Qb'¨twmenH dak'«f©TI nigcuHhtÄelxaenAxage¨kay«n¨kdasenH. 7. I (check a. or b.): xƬM (KUs a É b): a. wish to plead guilty to the offense charged and give up my right to trial on this charge and my right to be represented by an attorney.
cg'sarPaBTTYlkMhus cMeBaHbTelµIsEdlVnecaT nigeVHbg'siTìirbs'xƬM sMrab'kat'k`Ik~¬gkarecaTenH nigeVHbg'siTìirbs'xƬM sMrab'rkemFavICaG~ktMNag[xƬM.

b. wish to plead not guilty to the offense charged and [check (1) or (2)] cg'sarPaBminTTYlkMhus cMeBaHbTelµIsEdlVnecaT nig [KUs(1) É (2)] (1) request a jury trial.

(2) waive (give up) the right to a jury trial.
elIkElg (eVHbg')siTìisMrab'kat'k`Ieday¨kumKNHvinicÏ&y.

Dated: «f©TI: Signature

Print your name, current address and phone number: sresreQµaH, Gas&yd½anbcͬbºn~nigelxTUrs&Brbs'G~k:

Form ­ Khmer/Cambodian Translation Misdemeanor Statement of Rights

Page 2

Approved by Conference of Chief Judges: date Revised: 6/2001